Spring has sprung! Flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising and birds are chirping. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, “Ah, spring,” might soon turn into “Ah-choo, spring!” Seasonal allergies, sometimes called hay fever, are allergy symptoms that happen during certain times of the year, usually when outdoor plants release their spores. Trees, grasses and weeds are all releasing pollen into the air. These spores and pollen can cause congestion, cough and sneezing in people with seasonal allergies. If you are one of the over 30 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, we at AFC Urgent Care Bound Brook have some tips that will help you stop sneezing this allergy season!
Reduce Exposure to Triggers
Simply being outside can irritate allergy symptoms. Stay indoors as much as possible on days when it is dry and windy; these are optimal days for pollen. The best time to go outside is following rain, because most of the pollen will have been washed away. After coming in from outdoors, be sure to wash your clothes and take a shower to ensure that pollen and allergens don’t make their way into your house.
Watch Pollen Counts
Be aware of the days when pollen is especially high! Check out the National Allergy Map to see pollen levels in your area. On days where allergens are high, consider taking an antihistamine to prevent symptoms. Also, cleansing your nasal passages with at-home kits after high-allergen days will reduce seasonal allergy symptoms.
Keep Inside Air Clean
The air you are breathing inside your home should be clean and allergen-free. Keep the windows and doors in your home closed and have the air conditioner running. This will make sure that no air from outside is getting in, and that the air inside your home is moving. Another way to protect your house is to purchase a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. HEPA filters clean your air to make sure you aren’t breathing in allergens that may have made their way into your home.
This spring, make sure that you’re not feeling too under the weather to enjoy the warm weather! If you don’t feel that your seasonal allergies are under control, visit our urgent care center to find a solution.