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Dermatophytosis (AKA Ringworm)

January 15, 2014


Ringworm, despite its name, is not caused by a worm but a fungus. It causes an itchy rash. Jock itch and athlete’s foot are both forms of ringworm as well. Symptoms include a very itchy rash, often, but not always, in the shape of a ring.

To diagnose, doctors may look at a scraping of the rash but most likely, a doctor can diagnose by just looking.

Ringworm can be treated with over the counter creams. Make sure to use as directed even if rash is gone. It helps keeping the rash from returning. If cream does not work, your doctor may prescribe a pill to kill the fungus.

If ringworm is left untreated, skin could crack and become infected.

To prevent ringworm, avoid sharing things such as clothes, gym clothes, sports gear, sheets or towels. Wear sandals in locker rooms and public baths. Change your socks and undergarments daily. If you feel you may have ringworm, make sure to wash clothes, sheets, and towels in hot water with anti-fungal soap.

Dermatophytosis or Ringworm is one of the many things we treat at AFC Urgent Care Bound Brook. If you are unable to get an appointment with your primary care physician or do not have one, we can care and treat you for almost anything. Walk in to our clinic, no appointment necessary, and be treated by a board certified physician with little to no wait time.



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