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Don’t let dehydration stop you from enjoying summer!

August 3, 2018

Its everyone’s favorite time of the year again, summertime! As much as we at AFC Urgent Care want everyone to have some fun in the sun, we also want everyone to be safe! Did you know the body is 70% water? Literally, half of our bodies are filled with fluids! We require fluids every day just from an everyday task. This summer the heat intense which gives us all the more reason to be aware of the heat!

How does dehydration happen?

Dehydration happens when the body loses more water than it is taking in. This can be a cause of a couple things such as:

  • Doing strenuous exercise
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomming
  • sweating
  • not drinking when you are thirsty
  • consuming alcohol

The easiest way to get dehydrated is ignoring your body when it tells you to drink water. If you feel like you need water its because you do.

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

if you are experiencing

  • dry mouth
  • bloated stomach
  • slight headache

You most likely have a mild dehydration, this can be treated with drinking water or a drink with high electrolytes. If you are experiencing

  • nausea
  • no tears
  • high heart rate
  • pounding head ache
  • fainting

You are suffering from a severe form of dehydration. AFC Urgent Care offers treatments mild to severe sunburn! Stop in today so we can get you all fixed up & back out there to enjoy the rest of the summer!


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