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Flu Shot

September 26, 2018

The Importance of Getting a Flu Shot

Mid-September until the end of December is a time filled with holiday’s and fun, but it’s also flu season. The flu becomes a widespread issue each and every year, but much of that spread could be avoided if people received their flu shots. The flu shot protects you against the flu, similar to how the chickenpox vaccine protects against chickenpox. The difference between the flu shot and other vaccinations is the flu shot changes slight each year, meaning you need to receive the ball again each September. These are a few other tips you can use to prevent the spread of the flu.
Avoid touching public railings and doorknobs – those railings and knobs may be infected by someone who has the flu, and that touch could expose you to the virus. If you have to touch a rail and knob, wash your hands right away. Avoid handshakes – this may seem rude, but it’s actually a great safety precaution. If you suspect someone may be sick, a handshake is a bad idea. If you’re sick, tell those around you before they shake your hand.
Wash your hands – this may seem obvious, but it’s often overlooked. Regular handwashing remains the best way to avoid illness. Wash your hands extra during flu season and carry a small hand sanitizer with you to use when you’re unable to wash your hands.
Sneeze into your elbow – many of us learn this at a young age, but we fail to use it in our day to day life now. If you’re ill, you should sneeze and cough into your elbow to avoid spreading germs to those around you. Sneezing or coughing into your hand means spreading those germs onto every surface you touch after the fact.

Encourage Others to Get the Shot

You should encourage your friends and family to receive the shot as well. Not only does this protect them, but it protects you when you’re around them. You can encourage good habits in your children that will carry over into their adult life taking them to get vaccinated each year. Most insurance companies cover the cost of a flu shot with no additional copay. If you don’t have insurance, local county clinics often have free flu shot day each year. Stop by your local urgent care, walk-in clinic, or doctor’s office to receive your flu shot this year!


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