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Frostbite & Hypothermia Prevention Tips

February 25, 2015

February has been a cruel month when it comes to freezing temperatures. Not sure when this winter will end, if ever, we should always be prepared for two of the most common winter dangers that occur during below freezing temperatures: frostbite and hypothermia.
Frostbite is most susceptible to your ears, nose, fingers and toes. If you have lost feeling in any of these extremities and they have started to turn a yellow-gray color – you may be suffering from frostbite.
Hypothermia occurs when the body cannot keep itself warm and its internal temperature falls below 95 degrees. Symptoms of hypothermia include uncontrolled shivering, poor muscle control, confusion and exhaustion.
Here are a few prevention tips on frostbite and hypothermia:

  • Stay inside if you can.
  • If you do have to go outside, stay bundled up. Gloves, hats, scarfs and a warm jacket are crucial in keeping your body temperature normal.
  • Be aware. If you know it’s going to be brutally cold outside, don’t just throw on a light jacket and assume you will be okay. The temperatures can change at any given moment, making you completely vulnerable if not properly prepared.

Stop by AFC Urgent Care Bound Brook today for any frostbite/hypothermia symptoms. If you would like further information on these winter dangers, call us today at 732-469-3627 or stop by our clinic which is conveniently open 7 days a week!


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