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Why Are My Allergies Getting Worse This Season?

April 14, 2022

People with allergies often have to face a lot of discomfort and uneasiness during certain seasons, and this is mainly due to climate change. Warmer temperatures and excess carbon dioxide emissions have extended the pollen season, contributing to seasonal allergies. Here is a list of some reasons why seasonal allergies may affect you more than before.

Reasons for Worsening Seasonal Allergies

Undoubtedly, allergies are a nuisance, but they can get worse because of these reasons:


Do you have too much stress these days? Many researchers say that the stress hormone, cortisol, tends to stimulate mast cell production that elevates the allergic inflammation in the nose. Therefore, stress can be the reason why your allergies are worse this season.


Alcohol, especially red wine and beer, contain sulfites that stimulate allergic reactions and cause a stuffy and itchy nose. Some people are sensitive to sulfites, which may be the reason behind your severe allergy this season.

Airborne Allergens

Allergens, such as pollens, house dust, fungal spores, or even certain foods, can trigger allergy symptoms in people, and sometimes contact with them can worsen the ongoing allergy in a person. A person may experience sneezing, wheezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose after contact with these allergens.


Have you been to any water parks recently? Swimming in chlorinated water can cause severe allergies. Chlorine can have the same effect on your allergies as candles and perfumes.

Stay away from cleaning products that contain bleach or chlorine; although a household spray or cleanser has less chlorine concentration, it is more than enough to quickly worsen your allergy.


Smoking not only makes your allergy worse, but causes several health problems, including hay fever and sinus infection, cancers, and much more. Cigarette chemicals act as an irritant that can worsen asthma and other allergies.


Do you know that woolen clothes are terrible for your allergies? Woolen clothes are rough and sticky, and can easily attract dust and pollen. As you know already, dust and pollen can aggravate your allergies.

If you want to be fashionable and want to wear woolen clothes, make sure to wash them every time to prevent contact with an allergen.


The irritants mentioned above can worsen your allergies, making them chronic. However, there may be an abundance of allergy triggers around you. Whatever the reason, if your allergy symptoms begin to worsen, make sure to contact a nearby urgent care center to get all the aid you need to recover from it.


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