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Spring Sports Injuries

April 14, 2014


Spring sports season has begun for area students! These sports include lacrosse, baseball, track and field, and more! We at AFC Urgent Care in Bound Brook want to offer some tips to avoid becoming injured while participating in your favorite spring sports.

Before you participate, there are steps you should take to ensure you are ready. First, before beginning any sort of fitness program, you should receive a physical. Many sport organizations and schools require this to begin with and for good reason too. These physicals can make sure you are physically fit to participate.

Also prior to participating, you should condition yourself. If you have been inactive leading up to a sport, it is a good idea to condition your body before participation. Focus on specific body parts necessary such as legs for track, arms for baseball, etc.

During conditioning and participation, maintain a healthy balanced diet and stay hydrated. Bodies that are not receiving enough nutrition or are dehydrated can become injured more easily. Also, make sure not to eat in the last few hours leading up to practice or a game to prevent digestive problems.

While training for and participating in your sports, make sure to carry on a healthy balanced diet as well as remain hydrated. Bodies that are dehydrated or do not have sufficient nutrition can be more prone to injury. Make sure not to eat in the hours leading up to a game or practice, at least two to three. This can reduce possible digestive issues.

If you do become injured or are in need of a sport physical, the doctors at AFC Urgent Care in Bound Brook NJ can help. We are open 7 days a week and extended hours to be available to help treat you. Visit us today at 601 West Union Ave in Bound Brook, NJ or call 732-469-3627.



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