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Sunburn Prevention

July 8, 2014

While enjoying your outdoor summer activities, it’s important for you to be aware of how easy it is for you to sunburn. The sun is at its strongest between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm – leaving you at a high risk of burning easier and quicker.

Here are some tips on how you can prevent sunburns;

  • Sunblock. Be sure that while selecting sunscreens, you choose ones that have an SPF of 30 or higher. It is also important for you to re-apply every 2 hours and even more frequently if you are sweating excessively or in and out of the water.
  • Appropriate clothing. We know it’s uncomfortable to wear a snow suit during the summer, and we aren’t asking you to commit to that extreme! However, try wearing lose, light colored clothing so that you are not attracting the sun as much. Hats and sunglasses are also important to wear!
  • If you have to be outside and there is no shade around you, trying packing an umbrella for you to sit under so you can catch a break every once and a while from the sun. Not only does this prevent the sun, but it also keeps you cool!


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