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Swimmer's Ear

May 29, 2014


Trying to beat the summer heat? As the warmer weather approaches, people will be retreating to their local beaches or opening up their pools for the season. While cooling off in the water is both relieving and fun, there are some things you and your loved ones should be careful about.
Swimmer’s Ear is a very common doctor’s office visit during the summer months. It’s a basic ear infection that is caused by water that remains inside your ear canal, creating a wet environment allowing bacteria to grow. Another factor that causes Swimmer’s Ear which many people don’t know about, is the hot humid weather. If it’s been humid for a few days, moisture will build up in your ears creating a favorable environment for bacteria to grow.
Symptoms of Swimmer’s Ear include;

    • Itching, redness or swelling inside your ear
    • Drainage of fluid coming out of your ear
    • Decreased or muffled hearing
    • Puss discharge

If you have any of these symptoms, you should call your doctor and they will be able to provide you with a prescription for ear drops. You should note that by putting objects inside your ear; finger, Q-Tip, cotton swab etc., it will worsen your symptoms because even though it may release the pressure or itching you feel, it pushes the bacteria further and further into your ear causing more pain for you.
It’s important to not let this type of ear infection get out of hand or brushed off.  More severe symptoms like fever, swelling of your lymph nodes, pain radiating to your face and neck may occur and in these cases you will need to go to the emergency room immediately.



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