Suffering from COVID-19 involves facing several complications, which may vary depending on various factors. For instance, seniors are at higher risk of dangerous symptoms, especially those who suffer from chronic diseases. Coronavirus exacerbates symptoms of these medical conditions, increasing the death rate. Regardless of your age, you are at higher risk of developing severe symptoms if you deal with conditions like obesity, diabetes, lung disease, autoimmune deficiencies, cancer, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. This article will discuss how risky these medical conditions are in the era of COVID-19. It will also go over how you should take precautionary measures.
Medical Conditions with High Risk
COVID-19 is dangerous for everyone who risks exposure. However, managing a chronic condition means you develop severe symptoms. Are you suffering from any of the following conditions? If so, you need to take additional precautions against the virus. Similarly, if you are developing coronavirus symptoms, you should seek medical help immediately:
1. Cancer
Cancer patients need to take additional precautions during Coronavirus. Their immune system is already weak due to cancer and related treatments. That is why they might struggle and have a low capability to fight other infections.
2. Lung Disease
Diseases related to the lungs, such as asthma, increase the risk factor of COVID-19. The virus also increases the severity of the infection if you have pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, or other chronic airway diseases.
3. Heart Disease
If you are a heart patient, you are at high risk of clotting, which can lead to a heart attack. Even younger, healthier, and active corona patients are suffering from strokes.
4. Diabetes
People with diabetes face the worst outcome when it comes to COVID. If you are diabetic, you face a higher risk of serious complications.
5. Obesity
Obesity doubles coronavirus complications with patients. People with obesity already have immune disorders that make it difficult for them to survive. If you are young but obese, you are at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms.
6. Autoimmune Deficiency
Patients with an autoimmune deficiency should maintain a social distance from others as Coronavirus affects their immune system, increasing their risk rate. That is why people with autoimmune diseases encounter severe conditions or even death.
If you or a loved one suffers from any of these conditions, you need to learn about how this virus spreads and affects the body. Furthermore, quarantine yourself immediately and maintain social distancing with essential safety gear such as a mask, gloves, and face shields. You can also wear a PPE kit as it provides maximum security. Furthermore, wash your hands often and sanitize your home twice a week.