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Why You Need a Full Night's Sleep

March 31, 2019


Your time is among your most valuable resources: between work, school, and juggling family activities, you’re constantly on the go in order to get everything done. The rapid pace of your day can keep you going late into the evening, cutting down on the amount of time you’re able to sleep. This can begin to have an effect on different parts of your life, including your overall health. Making sure you get a full night of sleep allows your mind and body to rest. Possible side effects of not getting enough sleep include:

Weight gain

Sleeping fewer than five hours per evening can affect hormone production within your body, which in turn can affect your metabolism and your appetite, causing you to overeat. You may be more inclined to carbo-load, eating more foods high in fat and sugars to maintain your energy through the last few hours of the day. Over-eating and consuming high levels of carbohydrates will lead to weight gain in short periods of time, as well as negatively affect your motivation to exercise. Your food choices will also be affected: you may not think you can get the same kind of sugar rush from eating some celery or an apple, continuously reaching for the chips or a candy bar for an extra burst of energy.

Getting sick more often

With your body constantly running on fumes because of lack of rest, your immune system will not be able to perform its duties. With a weakened immune system, you’ll be more prone to catching viruses and other diseases, and it will be more difficult to bounce back and recover from minor illness. A cold, which can take a few days to treat, may linger for weeks to come. In addition to a vulnerable immune system, you may find yourself more at-risk for heart disease and diabetes due to poor diet.

Lapses in judgment

Exhaustion can affect your emotional state: feelings can be amplified beyond your control and affect your judgment. You may feel more nervous and anxious, leading to more fights with your friends, family members, and coworkers as you go longer without sufficient sleep. You may also experience lapses in judgment, especially when it comes to transportation. Getting behind the wheel of a car or operating heavy machinery when you are overtired can have catastrophic consequences, including traumatic injuries, property damage, and even death. When you are expecting to drive, regardless of the distance, make sure you are well-rested to prevent accidents.

If you are having trouble sleeping, visit AFC Urgent Care Bound Brook for an examination and to learn ways to develop better sleep habits.




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