Can Dehydration Lead to Headaches?

June 26, 2024

Dehydration is a serious health concern, especially during the summer months. Increased temperatures, increased humidity, and more time spent outdoors can all lead to dehydration. Even mild dehydration can cause symptoms including headaches. It is important to be aware of mild dehydration symptoms so that you can address dehydration before it becomes severe. If you’re concerned and think you may be experiencing symptoms of dehydration, visit AFC Urgent Care Braintree. Our medical professionals can ...

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When to Get Medical Care for Ear Pain

June 26, 2024

Ear pain can have many different causes. If you’re experiencing discomfort in your ear, you may be suffering from an ear infection. There are many different kinds of ear infections and whether your symptoms require medication to heal will depend on what has led to the infection. If your ear pain is making it difficult to go about your daily life or if your symptoms last for more than three days, you routinely experience ...

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Is Strep Throat Contagious?

May 14, 2024

Having a sore throat is a common illness symptom that can be caused by many different conditions. However, severe sore throats often point to strep throat. Strep throat is a bacterial infection that causes a severe sore throat. Because strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection, it usually requires treatment by a medical professional to clear the infection. If you’re experiencing a sore throat, learn more about how to tell whether your symptoms ...

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How to Identify a Tick Bite

May 14, 2024

Warm spring and summer weather means more time spent outdoors. Whether you’re someone who spends most of their time outdoors or just someone who spends time outdoors occasionally, it is important to understand the high risk of tick bites during the spring and summer months. Ticks are parasitic insects that feed off of the blood of whitetail deer. In some cases, ticks can latch onto a human hoping for a quick meal, which can ...

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Tips For Staying Illness-Free While Traveling this Spring

April 14, 2024

Spring is a busy travel season. With many school breaks aligning with spring and the warmer weather arriving, spring is a very pleasant time to travel. Although spring is the ideal time to travel for various reasons, it can often be a very busy and stressful time to travel. Spring travel brings increased crowds in airports and train stations. Spending time traveling means that you are increasing your risk of contracting an illness due to ...

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Do Allergy Symptoms Come and Go?

April 14, 2024

Allergies are more common than we realize. Even if you may not suffer from allergies to foods or other common irritants, seasonal allergies are very common. In light of this, allergic reactions present themselves with different symptoms. This blog talks about some of the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies and whether allergy symptoms can come and go. If you’re suffering from common allergy symptoms, AFC Urgent Care Braintree offers same-day symptom diagnosis and treatment ...

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Does a Sore Throat Cause Bad Breath?

March 11, 2024

Illness symptoms can happen suddenly. In order to ensure a rapid recovery, you should always seek medical attention for early illness symptoms. Catching and treating an illness early, before your symptoms become severe, will help ensure a speedy recovery. It can be difficult to identify exactly why you are experiencing many common illness symptoms. Sore throats are very common, but can indicate the presence of many different illnesses. If you’re experiencing a sore throat ...

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Can A Weather Change Cause You To Get Sick?

March 6, 2024

With the spring season upon us, rapid weather fluctuations are becoming more common. A beautiful sunny day can turn cold and rainy in a matter of hours during the spring season. During the early spring season, illness cases tend to continue to rise, with cases of the flu, colds and other illnesses. Spring weather can also bring other conditions, such as allergies, which can cause illness-like symptoms. If you’re experiencing illness symptoms and wondering ...

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Heart-Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating in 2024

February 14, 2024

While there are many factors to eating a healthy diet, including heart-healthy foods is a great way to improve your overall health. Fruits and vegetables rich in healthy nutrients can lower your chances of getting heart disease and improve your blood circulation. This article focuses on foods that are known to improve your heart health by reducing inflammation and decreasing your risk for plaque build-up. For health and wellness guidance, visit AFC Urgent Care Braintree ...

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Early Warning Signs of Norovirus

February 14, 2024

While being sick is never fun, having an illness like norovirus, also called the stomach bug, can cause you to be bedridden. Alleviating the spread of norovirus and receiving assistance promptly calls for knowing the symptoms and early warning signs. Understanding how it disseminates, particularly in crowded environments, informs you of what to do in public gatherings. This blog post covers symptoms and strategies for preventing norovirus. If you’re experiencing symptoms of the stomach ...

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