Getting the Upper Hand Against Germs

September 5, 2019


It’s almost that time of year. Everywhere you go, you’ll start to notice people coughing, sneezing, and visibly looking ill. It’s not avoidable, and as temperatures begin to drop, you’ll see more and more coworkers and friends fighting off different sicknesses. 

Tips for Fighting Germs

It’s a struggle to avoid germs, but you can certainly be doing things to prevent bugs this time of year. Here are just a few of the ways you can get the upper hand on germs this season.

Cough and Sneeze Responsibly

Even if you aren’t sick, you can’t reasonably believe that sneezing and coughing into the air is an appropriate way to conduct yourself. If you are possibly coming down with something, it’s even more critical. Only leaving behind any sort of germs that carry the cold or flu can be detrimental to the immune system of those around you. Make sure to cough or sneeze into your arm, and always keep the next tip in mind if you end up feeling like you’re covered in germs.

Washing Your Hands – It’s Still Important

Everyone says it, yet a lot of adults think they’re okay to skip the step. Washing your hands is not just a thing to do when you leave the bathroom. After working outdoors on something, running errands, or before eating, washing your hands is a crucial defense during cold and flu season. Make sure you’re also washing your hands correctly. Warm water is best for eliminating bacteria, and using soap and scrubbing for 60 seconds minimum is the best way to eliminate germs.

If you Get Sick, Stay Home

There are a lot of ways to fight getting sick, but it’s not foolproof. In fact, germs have a mind of their own, and they might find their way through your defenses and get you sick all the same. If you’re considering saving your sick days for a later date and going into the office while under the weather – don’t. It’s going to put everyone else at risk, and likely get your coworkers sick as well. Even if they don’t get sick, it’s disheartening to see someone in the office sneezing and coughing all over the work area.

Germs Aren’t Going Away, So Get Prepared

Bacteria can’t be eliminated entirely. That being said, you can fight back with these easy to implement tips that keep germs as far as possible. Be sure to keep these tips in mind, and share them with everyone you know to ensure others aren’t also spreading germs around town. 


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