How To Prevent The Flu

September 17, 2019


Flu season is here once again and AFC Urgent Care Braintree would like to give you some advice on how to avoid getting the flu this season. The flu is of course not 100% unavoidable, even taking the highest measures of precaution can still sometimes lead to an infection, however, this is no reason to not try. The flu virus is most prevalent between the months of September – December, we strongly recommend you use the advice we will be giving in this article to avoid the flu this year! 

Flu shot

The easiest way to prevent the flu is to come on down to AFC Urgent Care Braintree and get your flu shot! Every year the flu virus comes back in a new strain the is different from the previous year. A flu shot only last about 5 months, if you have gotten one last year, you will still need to get another one this year. If you have received a flu shot earlier in the year such as August or the beginning of Septemeber, then you should get another flu shot by December to ensure that you do not leave yourself vulnerable. We offer flu shots 7 days a week, no need to make an appointment! 

Wash Your Hands

We know this may seem obvious, however, if you do not make the extra effort to increase your sanitation skills during flu season then you may end up infected. The flu virus is extremely contagious, There are many ways you can get the flu virus, if you take public transportation then you may want to carry around hand sanitizer, Public transportation handles on buses and trains are the hub for germs. 

Tell Others To get Their Flu Shots

If you surround yourself others that also have flu shots, then your chances of getting the flu go down tremendously. If you have small children, in the house you should make sure that you get them flu shots as soon as possible. Young children are at high risk if they contract the flu virus. 

If you have any other questions or concerns please call us at 781-848-2273           


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