Why You Should Get a Flu Shot This Year

February 4, 2019


The flu is a common virus that affects millions of people each year, quickly spreading through schools and workplaces. Many strains are preventable through the flu vaccination, preventing it from forming and affecting your family or work. Learn why you should make the flu shot part of your annual medical care!

Offers Protection Against Most Strains at All Ages

The flu can be found in several strains throughout its season, running from October through May. Each year, the vaccination is designed to prevent the current strains from affecting the patient. The shot is recommended for anyone over the age of six months and can be administered in a few ways. For children and adults between 2 and 49, the vaccination can be given using a nasal spray to distribute the proper dosage. For those afraid of needles, a small needle is available for adults aged 18 up to 64. A more concentrated dose of the vaccination is created each year specifically for senior citizens who may face heightened complications from the virus due to weakened immune systems.

The Flu Has Many Potential Complications

The flu virus can compromise your immune systems, increasing your risk for further health problems such as respiratory issues and inflammation of the heart muscles. If you suffer from chronic health conditions, your symptoms may worsen due to the flu. Certain people may experience worse symptoms and more advanced cases, including senior citizens, pregnant women, and children. Getting the flu shot will help protect against the virus and its complications.

The Flu Shot Needs to Be Administered Annually

Unlike many vaccinations, the flu shot is only viable for the current season. After it is injected, the weakened virus will make its way through your body, giving your cells a chance to recognize and fight against it. When you come into contact with the full-strength virus throughout the season, your body will be able to tell what it is and battle it accordingly. However, as the season goes on, your body’s response will weaken against other strains of the virus, especially as it continues to mutate. The only way to protect your body against new strains of the flu each year is to get the vaccine.

Preventing the Spread Through Your Home & Work

The flu is spread by inhaling miniscule droplets of moisture containing the virus. After someone coughs, sneezes or handles an object, the virus will be circulating through the air until it lands on another object or in the nose and mouth of a healthy individual. Without the vaccine, you will begin to see signs of illness within a couple of days. If you have had the flu shot, you will be able to go through your day-to-day life without getting sick.

If you are interested in learning more about the flu shot, visit your local AFC Urgent Care Center. The flu shot is covered under most insurance.


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