Why you should get your Travel Vaccinations

March 27, 2019


Booking a nice vacation out of the country can be an exciting time. When planning for a trip, you will realize that it can be quite stressful as well. There is a lot of planning that goes into a big trip, shopping, packing, organizing can all be a bit overwhelming; some people forget the most important part about preparing for a trip, travel vaccinations! Here are some symptoms you can get from not getting your shots!

Travelers Diarrhea

his is something that unfortunately is the most common travel disease. Travelers diarrhea can be contracted from an ice cube, a glass of water or even the oils of which your food was cooked in! Getting this disease is straightforward. Our bodies are not used to foreign contamination, so for example, in Mexico, the locals can drink their water no problem, but if you were to drink from the tap water your colon would treat the bacteria from this country as hazardous & this could lead to 10-15 bathroom trips a day!

Typhoid Fever

This type of fever is usually related to the southern Asia region of the world. This fever can be contracted by eating local foods & drinking the water. Typhoid fever has the same symptoms of travelers diarrhea & it is a very unpleasant experience. Over 75% of people who contract typhoid fever so make sure to get this vaccination!

Region Specific Diseases

Depending on where you go in the world should rely on what type of vaccination you should get. In some examples of the world Zika & malaria are still common & to other kinds of the world, they still have typhoid as we discussed before. The research you do when deciding where to travel needs to include the vaccinations you should get. We hope these tips will help you


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