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Seasonal Flu Vaccinations

September 10, 2014

FLUSHOTFlu season is officially here – have you been vaccinated? Symptoms of the flu include headaches, body aches, fever, cough and sore throat. If you are suffering from any of the signs above, contact your doctor immediately.

It is extremely important for you and your family to receive their yearly flu shots for many reasons. The most important reason is because the influenza virus causes nearly 36,000 deaths and 226,000 hospitalizations per year. Other reasons why you should get vaccinated are…

  • If you are vaccinated, you have a low risk at passing it along to others, causing them to become ill.
  • Children under the age of 5, pregnant women and the elderly are at high risk in contracting the virus, making it even more important for them to be vaccinated.
  • Don’t think that you don’t have to be vaccinated if you received the shot last year. Every year presents a new string of the virus, making the shot you got last year useless in fighting off the illness.
  • You create immunity via antibodies through the shot allowing your body to fight off the illness.

Here at AFC Bridgeport, we care most about you and your family’s health. We provide seasonal flu vaccinations, as well as other preventative care needs you may have. Visit us at our location at 161 Boston Avenue for your flu shot, or call us at 203-333-4400 for more information today!

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