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The Most Frequently Asked Questions About the Coronavirus

June 15, 2020

The most trending topic these days is the coronavirus. Many people still do not have a grasp on what the coronavirus is and despite the many resources out there, information is skewed, which leaves people feeling more confused. A simple fact about the coronavirus is that it can be characterized as a public health crisis and scientists are still learning about how the virus as it continues to do damage. There are many questions about the coronavirus that people want to be answered and it’s crucial that they get accurate and reliable info to help them stay safe during this pandemic. 

Coronavirus Hot Topic

Coronavirus is a hot topic in both the medical community as well as on many social media platforms. Many people are scared, some are uninformed, and others want to stay abreast of the latest developments that are taking place with the coronavirus. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other online platforms, there is the need for continued updates on COVID-19 and a place for people to find the info they are looking for. The truth is that not all info is good info. In the age of fake news, it’s hard to know which source to trust. However, reliable info regarding COVID-19 is available. 


To avoid the spread of misinformation, here are some of the primary FAQs related to coronavirus.

  1. Q. What is a novel coronavirus?
  2. A. A novel coronavirus is a new coronavirus that is being identified for the first time. The virus that causes COVID-19, is different from the coronaviruses that are linked to other illnesses, such as the common cold.

  3. Q. Who are higher-risk individuals for severe illness?
  4. A. It appears that older adults and individuals of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions, like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, etc. might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. 


  1. How does the virus spread?
  2. It is believed that the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread primarily from person to person, mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes, talks, or coughs, which can land in the mouths or noses of others nearby. It may also be possible to inhale into the lungs.


  1. Q. How can I protect myself from exposure?
  2. A. You can limit exposure in a number of ways, including regularly washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose or going out in public; avoid person-to-person contact with sick persons and keep a distance of 6 feet between yourself and others; cover mouth and nose with a cloth mask when around people in public; cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or use the inside of your elbow, and clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.


  1. Q. Should I get tested for COVID-19?
  2. A. Maybe; however, not everybody needs to be tested for COVID-19. Call your healthcare provider first if you are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 and would like to get tested.

Urgent Care and COVID-19

COVID-19 is a virus that primarily spreads mainly from person-to-person through respiratory droplets. Testing is widely available at urgent care centers and safe telemedicine visits are available as well. You can limit exposure and get efficient medical care from a distance. If you are experiencing severe illness, like difficulty breathing, call 911 immediately. 

The coronavirus is still a mystery in some ways and scientists are working to understand it better. It’s normal to have many questions about any illness that you don’t know or understand. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about COVID-19. Staying informed can keep you safe. 

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