How Can I Get My Child Back Into a Sleep Routine?

April 27, 2021

Pretty soon, another school year is going to begin. In order to be better prepared, our team at AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge want to offer you tips on how to get your children back into a bedtime routine for school, especially since sleep is important to both their physical and mental health. How Much Sleep Does My Child Need? Depending on your child's age, the number of hours of sleep recommended will vary. For ...

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How Can I Get Glowing Skin?

April 27, 2021

The summer season is nearly upon us, and we are all looking for that summer glow! However, the last place you need to look for it is in the tanning bed or roasting out in the sun. Instead, our team at AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge wants to offer you tips on how you can achieve that healthy skin glow without increasing your risk for skin cancer. Is Sunscreen the Only Way to Protect My Skin ...

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