How Can I Get My Child Back Into a Sleep Routine?

April 27, 2021

Pretty soon, another school year is going to begin. In order to be better prepared, our team at AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge want to offer you tips on how to get your children back into a bedtime routine for school, especially since sleep is important to both their physical and mental health.

How Much Sleep Does My Child Need?

Depending on your child's age, the number of hours of sleep recommended will vary. For instance, children who are between 3 and 5 years of age need 11 to 13 hours of sleep, while children who are between the ages of 5 and 10 need around 10 or 11 hours of sleep each night.

Young adults between age 10 and 17 need between eight and nine hours of sleep every night.

Reasons Children Need Sleep

  • Promotes growth
  • Helps the heart
  • Affects weight
  • Builds immune system
  • Reduces injury risk
  • Boosts learning
  • Increases attention span

When Should I Start My Child on a Sleep Routine?

A sleep routine can start from day one with your child, even though it might be around weeks six to eight that your child is more receptive to the bedtime routine. However, the summers tend to be more relaxed for many families, which can get children out of their routine.

Fortunately, by starting now, you can get back into a bedtime routine with your children just in time for a new school year to begin!

Tips for Bedtime Routine

  • Set a specific bedtime and stick to it.
  • Give a warning to your child at least 15 minutes before bed.
  • Offer a bedtime snack.
  • Give your child a warm bath.
  • Turn off all electronics at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Read a favorite story to your child.
  • Play soft music while you read to your child.

Is your child participating in a sport this fall? Visit AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge today to complete a sports physical just in time for a new season!

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