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What Can Be Done to Stay Safe This Summer?

April 29, 2021

Summer means sun and fun...and illness? No! But if we're not careful, it's true that summer can wreak havoc on our health.

That's why our team at AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge wants to offer some insight on two common health issues during the summer—heat-related illnesses and dehydration.

What Is a Heat-related Illness?

Well, it's just what it sounds like, really. This term encompasses three different illnesses that are all triggered by excess heat and our body's reaction to it.

While all three conditions are dangerous, they're different in their severity and symptoms. Heat cramps are often the first heat-related illness to appear and involve muscle spasms. Heat exhaustion is more serious and involves heavy sweating, muscle cramps, fatigue, vomiting, and fainting. Heat stroke is the most severe and requires immediate emergency medical attention, since it can have deadly consequences.

Ways to Prevent Heat-related Illness

  • Stay indoors during the hottest hours of the day.
  • If you must be outside, seek shade.
  • Wear loose and light-colored clothing.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Avoid activities requiring lots of energy when the heat is intense.
  • Do not leave anyone or any pets inside a vehicle during the summer.

How Can I Prevent Dehydration?

You might consider dehydration the fourth heat-related illness, but it's actually common even in the cooler months. When the weather heats up, though, it's especially important to make sure you're hydrated, since dehydration can negatively impact how your body handles the heat.

Did you know that by the time you're thirsty you're probably already dehydrated? That's why drinking water throughout the day is important.

How to Stay Hydrated

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables that contain high amounts of water.
  • Limit caffeine.
  • Avoid sugary drinks.

Feeling under the weather? Visit the AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge team today for a medical evaluation and treatment plan!

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