How Is Urinary Incontinence Treated?

April 30, 2021

Around 25 million adults living in the United States experience some type of urinary incontinence. So if you're dealing with leaks and other signs of incontinence, you are not alone!

During Bladder Health Month, our team at AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge wants to share some insight into urinary incontinence and how to prevent and treat it.

What Causes Urinary Incontinence?

While urinary incontinence can happen to anyone, the bladder condition is more common in women. Urinary incontinence occurs when the muscles and nerves in the bladder are no longer able to help hold or pass urine. Situations that cause problems with the bladder muscles and nerves include pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.

However, benign enlargement of the prostate and being overweight are also known causes of urinary incontinence.

Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence

  • Urine leakage, especially when coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising or lifting something heavy
  • Sudden need to urinate
  • Feeling of bladder not emptying fully
  • Constant dribbling of urine

How Can Urinary Incontinence Be Prevented?

In some cases, yes. As odd as it sounds, one way to limit incontinence is to make sure you're getting enough fluids. You also want to eat a high-fiber diet, since constipation can trigger incontinence.

In addition, exercising regularly and using the restroom when you need to go can also help to reduce your risk of urinary incontinence. If you experience incontinence, there are many different treatment methods.

Treatment of Urinary Incontinence

  • Medication
  • Bladder training
  • Pelvic floor exercises
  • Smoking cessation
  • Urgency suppression

Are you having bladder issues? Stop by AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge for a quick diagnosis and treatment plan.

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