What Are the Flu Shot Guidelines From the CDC?

April 30, 2021

Getting information about the flu vaccine from reputable sources is key to being educated about your risks and prevention methods. Unfortunately, there is misinformation about the flu that circulates every season, so it is important to be educated to prevent the spread.

Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention work diligently every year to determine what type of flu virus will be most prevalent in a given year and how to best prevent it. Getting your flu shot is the best way to prevent the spread of the disease, but our team at AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge would like to share some other information about flu prevention.

Guidelines From the CDC Regarding Flu Shots

Everyone Who Can Get the Flu Shot Should

Aside from in special circumstances, it is recommended that anyone who is 6 months of age or older receives an annual flu shot. It is always important to check with your doctor just in case, but in general, the CDC recommends that everyone who can get the flu shot receives it.

Get Your Flu Shot Before the Peak of the Season

While it may not be full-on flu season just yet, now is actually the best time to receive your flu vaccine. Because it takes about two weeks for your body to build up the antibodies it needs to fight the virus after you receive your shot, getting your flu shot before the outbreak becomes severe is wise.

Work to Prevent the Spread of the Flu Virus

Though it is a common misconception, you do not have to experience any symptoms to become a transmitter of the flu virus. Always wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your nose and mouth when possible, even if you have not experienced any flu symptoms.

Seek Treatment Immediately if You Become Sick

While the flu vaccine greatly reduces your chances of contracting the flu virus, if you begin to experience symptoms it is important to seek medical treatment immediately. In most cases, antiviral drugs can be provided that will lessen the length and severity of your symptoms, as well as reduce the likelihood of you spreading the disease.

Now is the best time to receive your flu shot! Get in touch with us quickly at AFC Urgent Care Kingsbridge to get yours before the flu begins to spread.

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