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Share Your Love, Not Your Germs, This Valentine’s Day

November 23, 2015

This Valentine’s Day, show your loved one you care by sharing your love, not your germs. Date nights are no fun at all if you both wind up sick, so here are our top tips for keeping you (and your date) healthy this Valentine’s Day. If You’re Sick, Postpone It may put a damper on your plans, but if you or your date are sick, do both of you a favor and ...

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Six Things You Need to Fight the Office Flu

November 18, 2015

If ever there were a time during the year that all workers dread, it has to be flu season. Sniffling coworkers, wheezing kids and running out of tissues or hand sanitizer can make the months of flu season extremely stressful, even if you’re one of the lucky ones who remains healthy. Every year, American businesses lose billions of dollars in sick days and lost productivity. Experts estimate the economy will lose about $20 billion ...

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November is American Diabetes Month

November 10, 2015

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. One out of every 11 Americans has diabetes, and 86 million more are pre-diabetic. The American Diabetes Association estimates that the United States spends about $245 million every year on health care for people with diabetes, and recent projections have determined that as many as one in every three adults will have diabetes by 2050 if nothing changes. Type 2 ...

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