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Do You Have Winter Allergies?

November 11, 2022

When most people think of allergies, they may be thinking of the springtime. But in fact, seasonal allergies can affect people year round– even in the winter months. Though less common, winter allergies can happen and their symptoms can cause a lingering discomfort. 

The symptoms of these allergies can begin in November and last throughout the winter. When we spend more time staying indoors with the heat turned up, our exposure to dust and other triggers heightens. Continue reading to learn more about the symptoms, causes, and treatment options. Plan a visit to the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Burlington to have your allergies diagnosed and speak to a healthcare provider about ways to find symptom relief.

Signs and Symptoms of Winter Allergies

Allergy symptoms caused by dust, pollen, mold, or animal dander include:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy eyes and nose
  • Runny nose
  • Congestion
  • Dark eye circles
  • Watery eyes

It can be hard to distinguish winter allergies from other illnesses, such as a cold, the flu, or another respiratory infection. One way to tell is by how long your symptoms last, as allergies can linger for weeks or even months. Visit AFC Burlington to be properly diagnosed by our team of medical providers.

What Causes Winter Allergies?

If you’re allergic to pollen, your allergies may strike during the spring months. Winter allergies are caused by indoor triggers, such as mold and dust mites. During the winter, we naturally spend more time inside to hide away from the cold. This leads to a spike in allergy symptoms that can be hard to prevent.

During the winter, your furnace can disperse dust, mold spores, and insect parts into the air that can cause a reaction when they reach your nose. Dust mites are small, microscopic bugs that can cause allergy symptoms. Mold thrives in damp, dark areas like basements and bathrooms that can also trigger symptoms. Additionally, many people are allergic to animals– not only the fur, but the dander and saliva.

How Can I Prevent and Treat Winter Allergies?

There are a few ways to better avoid reacting to winter allergies. Taking a few simple steps can help manage your symptoms, however, there is no singular prevention or medication that can fully rid symptoms. Start by checking for mold in your home. Also, make sure to constantly wipe your shoes before coming back inside as mold can thrive under wet leaves and damp places outdoors. You can also try vacuuming regularly, cleaning your furnace, and bathe your pets.

At AFC Burlington, you can speak to healthcare providers about your symptoms and figure out what your specific triggers are. Treatments for winter allergies include antihistamines, decongestants, and immunotherapy. Together, we can help patients find much needed symptom relief.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Burlington Today!

If you have any suspicion you may be dealing with winter allergies, come visit AFC Urgent Care Burlington with no appointment necessary. We’re open every day of the week, making weekend allergy treatment accessible for all patients in the area. Don’t let any seasonal allergy symptoms get the best of you this fall winter. Visit our urgent care center and walk-in clinic today! If you have any additional questions about winter allergies, or other urgent care services we provide, call us directly at (781) 270-4700


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