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How to Treat a Bee/Wasp Sting

June 4, 2014

Depending on whether you are allergic to bee/wasp stings or not, there treatments may vary. So let’s break this up into two sections.

If you are not allergic and you are stung;

  1. Remove the stinger. This can be done using tweezers or your finger; however tweezers are more effective because they can get a stronger grip on the stinger.
  2. Do not pinch the stinger. This will cause the stinger to release more venom into your bite causing more pain.
  3. Control the swelling by icing the area in which you were stung. This could be done by running cold water over it, or using an ice pack.
  4. For the pain, take an over the counter painkiller like Ibuprofen.
  5. For the itch, take an antihistamine like Benadryl.
  6. It might take a few days for your bite to heal. Be sure to keep it clean so that you can prevent further infection.

If you are allergic and you are stung;

  1. Call 911 IMMEDIATELY. Every second counts after being stung.
  2. Inject epinephrine if available. Please be sure to read instructions carefully before injecting.
  3. Wait for the medical emergency team to arrive and they will give you further instructions.

It is important to monitor your sting and symptoms to make sure that all swelling and infection has subsided. If you find that you are still suffering from allergic symptoms, please contact your primary care doctor.

Remember: If you are allergic to bees/wasps, you should ALWAYS carry an Epi pen with you, even in the winter.


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