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What vaccines are important for adults?

September 6, 2022

Adults everywhere have a lot of responsibility. We work, take care of our families, and try to find time for ourselves. It can be hard to make time for doctor's appointments, but it's important to stay up-to-date on your vaccines. Some vaccines are more important for adults than others.

The medical providers at AFC Burlington are all board-certified. We understand the best vaccines for different patients, depending on their age, current health, or places they're traveling. Learn more about vaccines and receive any recommended ones at AFC Burlington. We provide vaccines for any patient, from six months of age to 99.

Here are some vaccines that you should definitely consider getting vaccinated against.

Vaccines for 19-26 year-olds

There are two types of vaccines that are particularly important for this age group:

1. Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis): This vaccine is important for protecting against whooping cough. It's recommended that all adults get the Tdap vaccine once and then a booster shot every ten years.

2. Meningococcal: This vaccine is important for protecting against meningitis, a serious infection of the brain and spinal cord. The CDC recommends that all adults aged 19-26 get vaccinated against meningococcal disease.

Vaccines for adults over the age of 26

There are several vaccines that are important for adults over the age of 26. Here are four of the most important:

1. HPV (Human Papillomavirus): This virus can cause cervical cancer in women and is also linked cause cancer in both genders. The CDC recommends that all adults aged 26 and over get vaccinated against HPV.

2. Shingles: This virus can cause a painful rash and can be particularly severe in older adults. The CDC recommends that anyone over 60 gets vaccinated against shingles.

3. Influenza: This virus causes the flu, which can be a serious illness, particularly in older adults. The CDC recommends that all adults aged six months and over get vaccinated against influenza every year.

4. Pneumococcal: This vaccine protects against pneumonia, a serious lung infection. Those who are over 50 should get vaccinated against pneumococcal disease.

Vaccines for those with health conditions

There are several vaccines that are recommended for adults with certain health conditions. These conditions include:

Diabetes: Adults with diabetes aged 50 and over should get vaccinated against pneumococcal disease.

Chronic lung disease: Adults with chronic lung disease aged 50 and over should get vaccinated against pneumococcal disease.

Liver disease: Adults with liver disease aged 19-26 should get vaccinated against meningococcal disease.

Smoking: Adults who smoke aged 50 and over should get vaccinated against pneumococcal disease.

HIV/AIDS: Adults with HIV/AIDS aged 19-26 should get vaccinated against meningococcal disease.

Vaccines are critical when trying to stay healthy, and it's important for adults to keep up with their vaccinations. Check with a medical provider to find out which vaccines are right for you, and make sure you get vaccinated on schedule.

Here at AFC Burlington, we want to help you stay on top of your health. We offer urgent medical services that can help you live a healthier life, including wellness checkups, flu shots, and more. Call or visit AFC Burlington today to get ahead of your health now!


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