Can I Go To Urgent Care for Chest Pain?

February 28, 2023

Chest pain can be one of the scariest things ever especially if you've never experienced it before. Chest pain can be as a result of many factors, some of which are not life-threatening. It should however not be taken lightly, if you notice any sudden or sharp pain in your chest you should go to an urgent care center for a checkup. In this article we will discuss some conditions that lead to chest pain and when to visit an urgent care center. For acute conditions, you can walk-in to the clinic at AFC Urgent Care Castle Rock – seven days a week.

Conditions That Are Indicated By Chest Pain

1. Heart related issues: The primary culprit for chest pain is usually a heart related condition. A heart attack is a result of blocked blood flow which is usually caused by a blood clot. Angina is the term given to chest pain as a result of poor flow of blood to the heart. Anginas are caused by a buildup of plaque in the arteries that carry blood to the heart. Thick plaques will narrow the artery and lead to chest pain.

2. Issues with the digestive system: Disorders of the digestive system have also proven to be a cause of some types of chest pain. Heartburns cause a burning pain in the chest which are as a result of acid in the stomach moving back up into the esophagus. Problems with the gallbladder and pancreas also cause pain in the abdomen which then radiates to the chest.

3. Issues with the bones and muscles: There are some types of chest pain that are related to injuries of the structures found in the chest wall. Costochondritis is a condition where the cartilage that joins the rib to the sternum becomes inflamed and painful. A broken rib will also lead to chest pain depending on the positioning of the broken rib. 

4. Lung related issues: Pulmonary embolism also known as a blood clot in the lung which can lead to a clogged artery. Inflammation of the membrane that covers the lungs can also cause severe pain in the chest which worsens when the person coughs. Perhaps the worst lung related issue that can lead to chest pain is a collapsed lung. The pain associated with a collapsed lung begins suddenly and can last for many hours, it is also accompanied by shortness of breath. A collapsed lung is caused when air seeps into the space between the ribs and lungs.

When Should You Go To The ER For Chest Pain

If you experience a sharp, severe, crushing pain in your chest(especially if the pain radiates to the arms and shoulders) then it is time to rush yourself to a nearby urgent care center. Chest pain that is accompanied with nausea and vomiting, dizziness, irregular heartbeat and sweating is usually a sign of cardiac chest pain. These types of pain of course could mean something else but it is better to be safe than sorry. Once you start feeling pain in your chest, don't drive yourself to the ER, get a friend or family member to take you.

When to Visit Urgent Care

As stated earlier, if you feel any new discomfort in your chest, visit the ER to get yourself checked. If you've already been treated for chest issues in the past then you can simply visit an urgent care center for further treatment and medication. AFC Urgent Care Castle Rock is equipped with everything necessary to diagnose and treat acute, or non-life-threatening, conditions.

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