Why Won't My Runny Nose Go Away?

November 27, 2023

Have you ever had an annoying illness symptom that seems to linger much longer than any other symptom? Or, maybe you weren’t even sick but your nose won’t stop running? Sometimes, this can be a symptom of your environment, rather than a symptom of an illness. Learn about common illness symptoms, how long they should last, and what to do if they won’t go away.

What Causes a Runny Nose?

Having a runny nose is a very common condition. However, the cause of it is not simple. Runny noses can be the result of a variety of different illnesses and conditions. It also can be caused by issues in your environment, such as cold weather and allergies. Due to this, the timeline of how long you will suffer on average from a runny nose can vary significantly depending on the cause.

Viral infections, such as the common cold and the flu, both often cause a runny nose. Oftentimes, a runny nose that is caused by a virus will last around a week. But, runny noses are commonly the last symptom to resolve after you’ve been sick, meaning that it's not unusual for a runny nose to last for weeks after the rest of your illness has passed. A runny nose is not a severe symptom, and there are very few risks to having a runny nose. If your runny nose does persist, it may be a good idea to seek a medical diagnosis to ensure that you are not suffering from a chronic condition.

How to Get Rid of a Runny Nose

A runny nose typically is the result of an illness or an irritant. Therefore, the easiest way to cure your runny nose is to ensure you are not sick, or that you are not suffering from any environmental irritants such as allergies. Treating these underlying conditions will help alleviate your symptoms.

There are no medications specifically for stopping a runny nose, although over-the-counter medications for conditions such as congestion may help clear your sinuses and help stop your runny nose. Other remedies include steaming your face by placing a warm compress over your nose to help break up the mucus, using a saline nasal spray, and getting a humidifier for your home.

When to Seek Medical Treatment for Persistent Illness Symptoms

If you’re suffering from a runny nose following an illness, it likely means that the illness is still working its way through your body and is not a cause for concern. However, if you are suffering from a runny nose but have not been sick recently, or your runny nose has been ongoing for longer than a couple of weeks, you should seek medical care at urgent care for a physical exam to ensure that you are not suffering from a chronic condition or allergies.

In most cases, a runny nose will stop on its own after the infection causing it has worked its way through your body. However, if your runny nose is caused by something such as allergies, a daily allergy medication should help get rid of it. Only a medical professional will be able to diagnose an allergy, which is why it is important to seek medical care if your runny nose has not resolved within a reasonable timeframe.

Get Rapid Symptom Diagnosis & Treatment at AFC Urgent Care Castle Rock

Although runny noses are irritating, they rarely are caused by serious medical conditions. If you have persistent symptoms following an illness for more than a few weeks, you should always seek medical advice to ensure you’re not suffering from an underlying illness or condition. At AFC Urgent Care Castle Rock, our dedicated medical staff is board-certified and trained to diagnose a variety of different illnesses. Our on-site laboratory allows us to provide a thorough examination and advanced diagnostic testing to get to the bottom of any illness symptoms you may have.

You never need an appointment to receive medical care at AFC Urgent Care Castle Rock. Simply walk into our clinic, or pre-register your visit on our website. We accept most medical insurance plans and offer affordable care options. If you’re suffering from persistent illness symptoms, don’t put your health on hold. Walk into AFC Urgent Care Castle Rock today for comprehensive and convenient healthcare. For additional questions regarding our clinic, please contact us directly.

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