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Healthy Summer Activities For The Whole Family

June 24, 2021

At this time of the year, things are starting to resemble a typical year which can be a great time to get your family out of the house (or office). It is the perfect time to bond with your family and friends. While considering activities for your children to engage in, you should put their health into consideration. They spent a lot of time indoors, and that inactivity can be dangerous even for you. Choosing ...

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What To Know About COVID Safety Once You Are Vaccinated

June 24, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has a great deal of impact on people’s activities. Since the introduction of the COVID vaccine, activities have largely returned to normal. As long as you have taken the vaccine, you can return to your previous activities without taking measures to prevent the disease. However, it is essential to still follow some safety measures even after you get your vaccine shots.  Upon taking the vaccine, you must familiarize yourself with some ...

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What Happens If The COVID-19 Virus Mutates?

May 10, 2021

Vaccination for COVID-19 is the highest priority of the United States in 2021. The research, development, and testing of this vaccine has been the most intensive in the history of vaccinations. Although two vaccines have been approved as safe and effective, there is still much hesitancy from the public in regard to the effectiveness of this vaccine. Many people are also wondering what will happen if the virus mutates and how this will affect the ...

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How Much Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Cost?

April 14, 2021

The vaccine for COVID-19 has shown promising results in a short amount of time. Trials of the vaccine show that it offers a 70% to 95% success rate. As supplies of the vaccine increase, so does the number of people who qualify for the impressive protection it provides.  However, there is one area of concern for the public that is not related to the vaccine’s effectiveness. Countless citizens have suffered from severe financial hardship ...

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Dispelling Common Health Myths

March 12, 2021

Health myths are a result of the spread of misinformation via word of mouth, the internet, and other non-reputable sources. Some health myths are heard so frequently that many individuals do not realize they have no basis.  When health misinformation is mistaken for common knowledge this creates a potential for an increased risk of poor, and/or unnecessary health choices. Health myths can lead patients to forgo needed medical care. The following information seeks to ...

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Coronavirus Testing: What Type of Test Should I Get?

January 22, 2021

" Virus tests are categorized based on what they look for: (i) molecular tests, which look for the virus’s genetic material; and (ii) antigen tests that look for viral proteins. The various tests all use a sample collected from the either the nose, throat, or mouth; that may be sent away to an outside lab or processed on-site within minutes. Here are the common tests and some of the pros and cons of each. Laboratory ...

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What You Can do to Save on Your Personal Healthcare Costs

January 4, 2021

If you are paying for your healthcare, then you should start thinking of ways through which you can save on your healthcare cost. The cost of job-based health insurance is rising, and the employees have to bear a load of higher deductibles on top of premiums. Therefore, even getting sick can come at an undesirable cost for you. You must take measures that allow you to save as much as you can on your healthcare ...

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What should I know about walk-in COVID-19 testing?

November 9, 2020

Coronavirus Antibody Testing in Cedar Grove, NJ COVID-19 antibody (serology) testing is available at AFC Urgent Care. Known as SARS-CoV-2 AB, antibody testing is performed via a blood draw with results typically available within two to three days. The FDA has not approved antibody testing, but has provided an Emergency Use Authorization. Antibody testing is covered by most health insurance plans. Who Is Eligible For Antibody Testing? Patients aged 8 years or older who have ...

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Can I Still Get the Flu Shot?

November 6, 2020

The best time to get a flu shot is right before flu season. Flu season typically falls between the fall and winter months, and getting vaccinated can decrease your chances of catching the flu, and giving it to others. You should aim to have your flu shot by the end of October, but getting it at any time will prevent the spread. How long does a flu shot last? The flu shot will last at ...

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Winter 2020 – What You Need to Know About the Flu, Cold, and COVID-19

October 29, 2020

" 2020 has been an interesting year. As winter approaches and the year comes to an end, it doesn’t appear the inconveniences of 2020 are going anywhere anytime soon. The best thing you can do to continue leading as normal of a life as possible this winter is to stay informed and stay prepared. The COVID-19 risk continues to persist, but influenza and the common cold are on the rise too. Check out this easy ...

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