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Does My Cut Need Stitches?

February 21, 2019

Accidents can happen at any time, leading to a variety of potential injuries from bruises and bumps to cuts. From grazing your knee against a curb after tripping a to accidentally slashing your finger while slicing a healthy snack for your child, cuts can require different care depending on several factors. Learn how to tell if you can treat your cut with simple disinfectant and a bandage or if you need to visit an urgent ...

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Common Illnesses to Watch For This Winter

January 30, 2019

Winter is in full force, with snow and sub-zero temperatures on the horizon, meaning you will be spending more time in the warmth of the indoors. However, spending more time indoors also means you will be spending more time in close proximity to others, allowing germs to quickly spread from person to person. While illness can be prevented by washing your hands throughout the day and disinfecting surfaces throughout your home and office, some viruses ...

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Symptoms of an Ear Infection

January 25, 2019

" Ear infections are common in children under the age of six but can be experienced as an adult as well. Symptoms include irritability and pain, especially in the area around the ear. Children may not have the vocabulary to explain what is wrong and may take to tugging at their ear repeatedly. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms for several days, take them to an urgent care center for efficient diagnosis and treatment ...

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Why Should I Get a Flu Shot This Winter?

December 18, 2018

" Less than half of all adults will receive a flu vaccination this year, leaving them vulnerable to falling ill and spreading the disease. There are many reasons why you should get vaccinated this year. The flu is serious and can lead to related conditions If you catch the flu, your immune system will be lowered, allowing you to become vulnerable to other viral infections. Deaths related to the flu in the last 40 years are ...

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Travel Hygiene & Safety Tips

December 12, 2018

" As you get ready to visit your family this holiday season, you may find yourself traveling far distances to get to your destination. Whether you take planes, trains or automobiles to get to your holiday celebrations, make sure you maintain your hygiene to prevent getting sick in the new year. Wash Your Hands Regularly Think of all of the surfaces you touch throughout the day. Keeping your hands clean and washing them throughout the day ...

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What Are the Dangers of Black Ice?

January 29, 2016

" Black ice, which is sometimes called clear ice, refers to a thin coating of glazed ice on a surface, especially on roads. During the winter months, black ice poses a huge threat to all drivers on the road, and unless proper precautions are taken, black ice can cause life-threatening accidents or even fatalities in some cases. How Does Black Ice Form? Black ice forms when the temperature is at 32 °F or below and some ...

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