Is My Lower Back and Leg Pain from COVID? AFC Answers

April 21, 2023

While it is possible to develop lower back and leg pain from COVID, there are also several other causes. As experts in urgent healthcare services, AFC in Cedar Grove indicates why you might be experiencing back pain after COVID and explains some other reasons you might have lower back pain.    Lower Back and Leg Pain from COVID Lower back pain is a possible symptom of COVID-19. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise, given ...

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Health and Wellness Activities for spring 2023

April 14, 2023

Activities that boost health and fitness are necessary for people dealing with or at risk of chronic diseases. According to the American Hospital Association, 133 million Americans are suffering from some chronic disease. It’s an alarming number putting a question on our current lifestyle. Therefore, knowing the top wellness and activities for spring in 2023 ensures you live a healthy lifestyle and reduce the chance of chronic diseases and other illnesses. Here’s how ...

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First Aid Skills for Families

April 14, 2023

Let's admit children are hyperactive and are often susceptible to accidents and injuries. A medical emergency can happen anywhere in parks, homes, or even on the street your kid is walking. Therefore, knowing first aid basics to deal with any emergency, whether with a child or an adult, is crucial. First aid is one of the families' most valuable and significant skills in protecting people around them. First aid skills can help families prevent ...

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Antibiotics for Sinus Infections - When Are They Necessary and When Are They Not?

April 14, 2023

Although Sinus infections are more common than most infections, they sometimes take time to heal on their own. While most sinus infections will disappear independently, many can take longer to leave your human system, leaving its impact for many weeks to come. Depending on the cause and symptoms of a sinus infection, it is decided by a doctor how to treat that patient. To understand when antibiotics are necessary and when not, let's dive ...

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Can I Still Get the Flu in Late Winter?

April 14, 2023

It is natural to believe that as winter draws close, so does the flu season. But this is not the case. Despite this, the reality is that there is still a risk of contracting the flu long into late winter and even until the beginning of spring. Even as late as May, medical professionals warn that flu activity might still be widespread. So is it possible to get the flu this late in the winter ...

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What Is Mono and What Are the Symptoms?

April 14, 2023

So, what is mono, and what are the symptoms? American Family Care in Cedar Grove has answers, and treatment, for you.  Mononucleosis (mono) is an infectious viral disease most commonly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), but other viruses can also cause it. Also sometimes known as the “kissing disease,” mono is spread through saliva and can even be passed from person to person from sharing cutlery and utensils. According to the CDC, mono occurs mainly ...

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Telehealth Urgent Care | Technology in the Healthcare Industry

April 7, 2023

The healthcare industry has evolved to include telehealth urgent care, an innovative technology that has made it easier for people worldwide to access healthcare virtually.  This medical service offers faster urgent care visits through virtual appointments, providing services from physical exams to diagnostics, which allows healthcare providers to connect with patients remotely, providing care, support, and information from a distance. This can be particularly beneficial for patients with mobility or transportation issues, with busy schedules ...

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