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Urgent Care vs. ER: Where to Go for Different Health Conditions

August 29, 2023

Accidents are never planned for, and they can vary from mild to severe cases. Most people are usually caught between visiting an urgent care or emergency room for the best treatment. This particularly applies when the doctor’s office nearby is closed. How do you know where to go for specific health conditions or accidental incidents? Read on to discover answers to this question. Urgent Care Vs. Emergency Room Understanding the differences between urgent care ...

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How can a Patient Treat Ear Infections at Home?

August 15, 2023

If you or your loved one has an earache, it may be a symptom of an ear infection.  An ear infection is less common in adults or grown children. However, anyone can experience it if it’s due to an infection.   While it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention if you have a persistent earache caused by an infection, there are ways you can use to treat it at home. Keep scrolling to learn ...

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Can the Flu Shot Make You Sick? Why the Stick Can Make You Feel Ick

August 15, 2023

From 2010 to 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated there were 9.4 million to 41 million flu illnesses every year. But there is an easy way to protect yourself — the flu shot. Studies show that the severity of the flu is significantly less if you catch the flu but are vaccinated. The CDC says the flu vaccine reduces the risk of seeing a doctor for the flu by 40% to ...

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Can You Get an STD Without Having Sex?

August 11, 2023

If you have an STD but haven't been sexually active, you may have contracted it through sharing needles, tattoos/piercings, blood transfusions, or other means. Some STDs are asymptomatic but can lead to serious health consequences if left untreated. AFC urgent care clinics offer confidential STD testing and treatment.

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