The best time to get a flu shot is right before flu season. Flu season typically falls between the fall and winter months, and getting vaccinated can decrease your chances of catching the flu, and giving it to others. You should aim to have your flu shot by the end of October, but getting it at any time will prevent the spread.
How long does a flu shot last?
The flu shot will last at least 6 months. This will help protect you and others for the duration of the flu season. You will need to get a flu shot every year to protect yourself, as the flu has many different strains that are constantly changing.
When does a flu shot start working?
The flu shot starts working within two weeks of receiving it. This gives your body time to develop antibodies.
The CDC recommends two types of flu vaccines for those 65 years or older. These are the High Dose Flu Vaccine and the Adjuvanted Flu Vaccine. Both of these create a higher immune response to the flu.
Symptoms of the flu can begin anywhere between two to four days after the virus enters the body. You become contagious just one day after infection, potentially before seeing your first symptoms. Patients are usually most contagious after the first day of symptoms and will remain contagious until about day 7.
What are the side effects of a flu shot?
There are only a few common side effects you may experience when getting a flu shot. These can include:
- Soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given
- Headache
- Fever
- Nausea
- Muscle Aches
- Fatigue
The flu shot rarely leads to any serious complications. In addition, the flu shot also does not cause the flu and is the best method to prevent catching the flu as well stopping the spread it to others.
Does a flu shot protect against COVID-19?
Getting a flu shot will not protect you against COVID-19. The flu shot will protect you from the four strains of influenza. It will also help reduce the chance of spreading the flu to children, the elderly, and those who are immunocompromised.
While the flu shot does not protect you from getting COVID-19, it does not increase your chances of contracting it either. Both diseases are very serious and can result in serious illness. The best way to protect yourself and others from COVID is by washing your hands, avoid close contact, and to cover your nose and mouth with a mask.
Why is it important to get a flu shot during COVID-19?
It is especially important to get a flu shot this year, due to COVID-19. Doctors, nurses, and other health officials will be busy with potential COVID-19 cases, so getting the flu shot will help eliminate the risk of you and your family getting the flu, COVID, and potential hospitalization.