Travel Hygiene & Safety Tips

December 12, 2018


As you get ready to visit your family this holiday season, you may find yourself traveling far distances to get to your destination. Whether you take planes, trains or automobiles to get to your holiday celebrations, make sure you maintain your hygiene to prevent getting sick in the new year.

Wash Your Hands Regularly

Think of all of the surfaces you touch throughout the day. Keeping your hands clean and washing them throughout the day with soap and clean, hot water will disinfect them, allowing you to avoid getting sick and preventing you from spreading germs. While hand sanitizers can supplement washing your hands throughout the day, it may not be effective if you have buildup on your hands. Wash your hands thoroughly several times throughout the day for at least 20 seconds to keep them clean.

Decorate Your Home Safely

House fires are at their peak during the winter months due to decorations being placed near heat sources such as lights and candles. Keep a safe perimeter from heat sources in order to prevent fires from occurring. If you have pets or small children, make sure fire hazards such as candles, fireplaces, and wood stoves are covered to prevent burns and do not leave open flames unattended. If you did not change the batteries in your fire and carbon monoxide detectors when Daylight Savings Time ended, change them out now with new, fresh batteries. This will also allow you to test each unit to make sure they are fully functional and do not need to be replaced or serviced. Perform follow-up checks monthly to make sure your home is protected.

Layer Up When You Go Outside

You may be traveling somewhere with a different climate this winter. Lower temperatures can leave you more susceptible to the cold and flu viruses. When you go outside, always make sure your chest is covered and layered to prevent chest colds from forming, and do not leave with wet hair. If you’re going outside to play in the snow or leaving the house in a hurry, wear a hat and several layers of clothing to prevent hypothermia and pneumonia from settling in. Limit your time outdoors if possible, especially if you are not dressed for the temperatures.

Maintain Your Schedule

You may be feeling a little extra stress around holiday parties and travel. Make sure you stick to your normal routine as much as possible, turning down anything you do not wish to go to and getting as much sleep as possible. If you are not sleeping your normal amount, your immune system could be lowered and you can be more prone to illness.
If you start to develop signs of illness after your holiday getaway, visit your local AFC Urgent Care Center for treatment. Don’t let a cold or flu ruin the new year!


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