What Common Pediatric Sports Injuries Are Treated at Urgent Care?

April 30, 2019


Signing your child up for their first sport is a big deal, whether it’s tennis lessons or a local soccer team. In addition to learning valuable life skills like the value of teamwork and not giving up when something is too hard, learning and participating in sports helps keep your child active and moving, encouraging the body to remain flexible and agile as they continue to grow. While your child learns the movement and actions of the game, they may run into errors and accidents that lead to them getting hurt. Make sure you keep an eye out for these common sports injuries so you know when your child needs to go to urgent care.

Broken Bones

Fractured bones are more common in children for a few reasons: their bones are still growing, making them more flexible and prone to bending. Bones and growth plates can be fractured during any form of activity, but children also see quicker healing times since they are still growing. If a bone breaks, it is critical to have it X-rayed immediately in order to determine where the break is along the bone and set it properly, immobilizing it using a plaster cast. A cast will ensure that the bone heals in place, preventing painful misalignment.


While your child is running and playing, they may not notice that they are thirsty, regardless of the level of activity or the temperature outside. Making sure your child is drinking plenty of water will help reduce the risk of dehydration and overdoing it while exercising. Water also reduces uncomfortable muscle cramps during physical activity, which can be an initial symptom of dehydration. Additional signs include headaches and excessive queasiness. Your child may not begin to realize they are dehydrated until symptoms begin to set in. If they begin to show signs of dehydration, they should stop playing immediately and drink water before visiting your local urgent care center for treatment.

Sprains & Joint Dislocations

Muscles and joints are high-risk areas for injury, especially during high-contact sports or rigorous exercise. Shoulder dislocations are a common injury that require the shoulder to be popped back into place by a medical professional. The shoulder comes dislodged from the joint when the arm or shoulder is forced back as it is held out, which can be incredibly painful. In order to make sure the joint is dislocated, your doctor may wish to perform an X-ray to get a more thorough visual of the injury. Sprains can also be diagnosed through imaging tests and treated with ice, elevation and rest.
Sports injuries are no joke! If your child has suffered from an injury at practice or during a game, visit AFC Urgent Care Cedar Grove for treatment.


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