Why Are Cases of Bronchitis Common During Wintertime?

November 11, 2021

Bronchitis is a frustrating illness that always seems to occur at the worst possible times. The relentless cough, mucus, congestion, and difficulty breathing can bring added frustration to everyday activities. Remember when you were a kid and your mother said that you would get sick if you weren’t dressed properly in the winter weather? The truth is that yes, more cases of bronchitis do occur in the winter, but not for reasons we were led to believe. Cold weather on its own does not cause bronchitis, or any other ailment. So why are cases of bronchitis common during wintertime?

Causes of Bronchitis

We must first look at what causes bronchitis. Bronchitis is typically caused by viruses, such as influenza and the common cold. Bronchitis can also be caused by bacteria. 

The reason that these occur more often in the winter months, is not an effect of the weather on our bodies, but rather the effect that the weather has on our social behavior. During the winter months people are often indoors more often than in the summer months. Because of this, contagious viral and bacterial illnesses spread to more patients at a much higher rate of infection. 

Viruses and bacteria also live on surfaces longer in cold temperatures as opposed to warm ones. 

Treatment for Bronchitis

Bronchitis can not be treated with antibiotics. Therefore, if your case is mild and you are not concerned you should rest, hydrate, and ask your pharmacist for recommendations for which over-the-counter medications are best for easing your symptoms. Your bronchial symptoms should diminish within a few weeks.

Stop in Your Local Urgent Care for Bronchitis Treatment

Not all illnesses go away as projected, bronchitis is no different. Sometimes complications arise and symptoms can become severe. Acute cases of bronchitis should last no longer than three weeks and not occur repeatedly. If your case does, you may have a much more serious condition known as chronic bronchitis, which is a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). You must visit your physician to get a proper diagnosis and develop a plan for treatment if symptoms do not improve on their own. 

If any of your symptoms are accompanied by a fever, blood in your mucus, or produce any other issues that are concerning to you, please seek medical attention immediately. Find an urgent care center in your area and stop in for assistance. Staff and medical personnel are ready and available to help get you on track to feeling better.

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