Why Are My Allergies Getting Worse In The Spring?

May 10, 2022

Spring is the time of the year when allergies are more likely to become common and intense. This is because pollen and seasonal-allergy triggers spread out even more during this time of the year, filling the air outside and inside the home. Hence, people begin to sneeze and sniffle from irritation of the nasal cavities and passage. Find out more about how spring affects allergies in this post as well as what you can do to reduce allergic reactions to the weather changes.

What is in spring that’s causing the reaction?

Technically, it is not the weather that is responsible for worsening allergic reactions. The trees and grasses, during this time of the year,  are ready to reproduce again for a new planting season. Therefore they release their pollen into the air (in the form of tiny grains hardly-visible to the plain human eye).

These grains are meant to fertilize other trees, flowers, plants, etc, but they end up doing much more than that. As a result of the fact that they are small, lightweight, and fill up the air, they can easily be inhaled causing the immediate repercussion of sneezing and sniffles.

But apart from this, antibodies will also be triggered and histamines will be released into the bloodstream. One of the effects of this process is the body cranking up some symptoms that look and feel similar to allergy symptoms like itchy eyes and runny nose, hence making things worse.

A secondary, yet also an active trigger for allergic reaction during spring is also the dust mites that stir up during spring cleaning. If this is one of the major activities that occur around you during spring, there is a big chance allergy symptoms will arise from the irritation of your nasal cavities by dust.

Symptoms of Spring-related Allergic Reactions

Allergy activators are more common and likely to spread as pollen and seasonal triggers become more abundant in the air and your home. So if you are currently experiencing or have experienced worsening allergic symptoms during the spring, some of the things that are associated with the trigger are;

  • Itchy nose and eyes
  • Coughing and Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Dark circles under the eyes, and so on.

Some over-the-counter medication for spring allergies

Spring allergies are not that alarming but they can get uncomfortable, so here are a few over-the-counter options that can help relieve the symptoms.

  • Antihistamines lower the effect of histamine.
  • Decongestants to decongest the nasal passages and reduce irritation of the nasal cavities
  • Nasal sprays
  • Eye drops

Though these substances might seem harmless, it is recommended to consult a physician first before using any of them. Some of them have side effects like drowsiness and it is best to be fully aware before using them.

However, if you feel that your allergies are hard to avoid and you need treatment, then make sure you visit an urgent care center today for allergy treatment!

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