Does Strep Throat Cause Congestion?

May 16, 2024

We all know the feeling of not being able to breath out of your nose. Congestion can be an extremely frustrating symptom that can disrupt your daily life by making it difficult to sleep and affecting your ability to exercise. Congestion can be caused by a variety of different conditions, making it difficult to self-diagnose. Learn more about whether Strep Throat can lead to congestion so that you can take the necessary steps to get ...

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Should You Seek Medical Care If You Get Bitten By a Tick?

May 16, 2024

During the early spring months, we tend to begin spending more time outdoors compared to the colder winter months. While the warmer weather is ideal for spending time outdoors, the warmer weather during the spring and summer also brings peak tick season. Deer ticks can bite humans and transmit Lyme disease. Learn more about signs that you have been bitten by a deer tick and what steps you should take if you did get bit ...

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