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Are Cat Bites Dangerous?

July 15, 2021

We all love our cats, but their bites can be more dangerous to your health than you might realize. Our AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway team provides some helpful information on cat bites and the potential impact they could have on your health below, so keep reading! What’s the Problem With Cat Bites? Although cat teeth are quite small, they’re generally very sharp. These sharp teeth easily puncture the skin, leaving small yet ...

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Should I Get a Rapid Flu Test?

June 30, 2021

Even in the age of COVID-19, the flu is still a threat. Yes, flu rates have thankfully gone down due to additional health-safety precautions, but it’s still possible to get sick with the flu virus. If you are experiencing flu symptoms, it’s important to get a rapid flu test from our AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway center. We explain why below, so keep reading! How Can I Know If I Have the Flu ...

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Is My Child’s Poison Ivy Rash a Cause for Concern?

June 15, 2021

Summer camps like Camp Webb are all fun and games until your child runs into some poison ivy! Dealing with a poison ivy rash, as many of us are aware, is uncomfortable and highly irritating. When your child comes home from camp, is there a way to treat the rash, or is visiting our AFC center the only way to deal with it? Our AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway team has some answers, so keep ...

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Signs That Stitches Are Needed

June 1, 2021

We all get cuts and scratches from time to time, but sometimes they’re deeper than others. When you get a cut or laceration that bleeds a lot, it can still be tough to know whether it warrants getting stitched up. Our AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway explains how you can tell if you need stitches below, so read on! Here’s what to do: First, evaluate the size and depth of your cut. This ...

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Are There Any Risks to Getting an X-ray?

May 18, 2021

Have you or your child gotten injured lately? When dealing with things like ankle or other joint pain, it can definitely be on your mind to get an X-ray to know the severity of your injury. So, when do you need to get one, and is it safe to get one these days? Our AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway team has some answers below, so read on! How Do I Know If I Need an ...

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What Will a Kidney Infection Do to My Body?

May 5, 2021

Kidney infections are serious. If left untreated or treated poorly, they can cause life-threatening health complications. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway provides more important information about kidney infections. What Causes Kidney Infections? The most common cause of kidney infections is when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the tube that carries urine from your body (urethra) and multiplies and travels to the kidneys. Bacteria from an infection elsewhere in ...

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What Are the Symptoms of an Ear Infection?

April 16, 2021

Ear infections are more common among children, but that doesn’t mean they can’t affect adults as well! If you are unsure what an ear infection looks like or what to watch out for, our AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway team shares some helpful info below, so read on! What Are Ear Infections? An ear infection occurs when a bacterial or viral infection affects the middle ear, which is the section of your ear ...

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What Are the First Symptoms of COVID-19?

March 3, 2021

The symptoms of COVID-19 and other viruses, such as the flu, are annoyingly similar. So, if you experience symptoms like a fever or achiness, how are you supposed to know what you are getting sick with? Recent studies have shown that COVID-19 symptoms often occur in a certain order, so read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway further explains. What Symptoms Show Up First? According to recent, cutting-edge research from the ...

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Effective Remedies for Bladder Infections

February 16, 2021

Bladder infections are the worst. They’re painful and can be very serious if not treated effectively and quickly. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway lists some effective at-home and medical remedies for bladder infections. The best remedy: Drink more water. Water helps flush out bacteria in your bladder, which will help get rid of the infection faster. It also dilutes your urine, which will make urinating less painful if ...

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What's Next If I Get COVID-19?

February 2, 2021

The hope of an effective, readily available vaccine is on the horizon, but the risk of getting sick is still present. Actually getting COVID-19 can be a scary thought for many of us, but our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway is here to walk you through some important next steps if you do get sick, so read on. How Sick Will I Get If I Get COVID-19? Frankly, no one really knows, which ...

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