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Can I Reverse Prediabetes?

September 15, 2019

Some 84 million Americans have what's known as prediabetes, a medical condition where your blood sugar is too high but not at the level of Type 2 diabetes. While a diagnosis can be scary, it's important to take prediabetes for what it is—a warning sign that you need to make lifestyle changes to positively impact your health. What Is Prediabetes? When your blood glucose levels are higher than normal but are not ...

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What Are the First Signs of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

September 1, 2019

Irritable bowel syndrome (also known as IBS) isn't something that many people discuss. However, it is a medical condition that many of us experience. In fact, IBS affects around 25 to 45 million Americans, most of whom are women. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway wants you to know the warning signs to look for when it comes to IBS, as well as what can be done to prevent symptoms. How Often ...

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Why Is Having a Healthy Lifestyle Important?

August 15, 2019

When it comes to living our life, we hear constantly that it is important to live a healthy lifestyle. However, what does that really mean? And is it really so important? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway wants to shed some light on the subject. Read on as we offer some perspective on the important of a healthy lifestyle. Why Are Good Habits Important? Well, the long and the short of it is ...

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What Are My Options When It Comes to Treating Acne?

August 1, 2019

Chances are that you or someone you know have dealt with acne. But just because you have acne doesn't mean it has to stick around! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway wants to offer some perspective on acne, including its symptoms and how to treat it effectively. What Exactly Is Acne? Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the skin follicles become clogged up with oil and dead skin cells. While ...

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How Can You Protect Your Eyes When Working in Front of a Computer?

July 15, 2019

If you are one of the many Americans who spend a number of hours a day in front of a computer, then you are probably at risk for computer vision syndrome. Fortunately, by taking proper precautions, you can largely prevent eye strain. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway shares some insight about computer vision syndrome and how to ease the strain. What Happens to Your Eyes When You’re Always ...

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How Do You Know If You Have Lyme Disease?

July 1, 2019

Are you worried about suffering from Lyme disease? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway is here to help you take the proper precautions. Is Lyme Disease Curable? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than 30,000 cases of Lyme disease reported each year. While the odds of getting Lyme disease from a deer tick bite are still relatively low, Lyme disease does happen. Fortunately, with early detection ...

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How Can I Keep My Family Safe This Summer?

June 15, 2019

Summer is a great time to get outside and have some fun. However, it can also be a time where injuries are more common, especially if you're not careful. That's why our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway wants to share some insight on staying safe this summer. What Can I Do to Stay Safe? Summer brings lots of sun and fun, but it also brings some hazards, too. But you can ...

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Is It Time for a Checkup?

June 1, 2019

Men, you take your car in for regular maintenance at the mechanics, so shouldn't you also take your body in for regular checkups at the doctor? Regular checkups are important, which is why our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway wants to share some insight. Why Are Health Screenings So Important? Treatment options have improved over the years when it comes to certain medical conditions. However, the best treatment option for any condition ...

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How Can I Protect My Skin This Summer?

May 15, 2019

The American Academy of Dermatology states that approximately 9,500 Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. While many types of cancer occur in older adults, skin cancer can occur in younger adults, as well. Therefore, it is important to do what you can to protect your skin when out in the sun this summer. Fortunately, our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway has some tips on how to do just that. What ...

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How Can I Celebrate Family Wellness Month?

May 1, 2019

While it is important to make your health a priority, following a healthy lifestyle should be a goal for every member of the family. That’s why, during the month of May, our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway wants to show you ways you can make not only your health a priority, but your family’s health overall a priority. How Can You Work Together as a Family to Promote Better Health? There ...

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