How Do I Know if it’s a Cold or Allergies?

April 29, 2024

by Olivia Miller | Apr 29, 2024 | Healthy Living How Do I Know if it’s a Cold or Allergies? It’s that time of the year when the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and unfortunately, sniffles and sneezes are making a comeback. So, what’s the deal? Did you catch a nasty bug, or is it just those pesky allergies acting up again? You have things to do and zipline adventures to have ...

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How Do I Know If I Need an X-Ray?

April 13, 2024

by Olivia Miller | Apr 14, 2024 | Emergency Clinic How Do I Know If I Need an X-Ray? While playing at a favorite local park with your child, you decided to relive your youth. As the swing hung in midair for just a split second, you decided to dismount by jumping off. As soon as you landed, the excruciating pain in your foot made it clear that you had made a serious mistake. You knew immediately ...

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