How Do I Know If I'm Getting Enough Exercise?

October 15, 2020

Everyone says we need it, but it can be hard to find the time to exercise when dealing with a busy schedule. If that’s not hard enough, a lot of gyms and workout centers remain closed due to the coronavirus. So is working out or exercising worth all the trouble? Yes, and our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway highlights why below. Why Exercise? The fact that exercising keeps you healthy is old ...

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Will Probiotics Help Me Lose Weight?

October 1, 2020

Most of us have heard the growing murmurs of probiotics and their “magical” powers. Some people have boasted that their new, consistent intake of probiotics has helped them shed those extra pesky pounds, but are they telling the truth? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway provides some helpful insight regarding this new trend. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you and the health of your digestive ...

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What Are the Benefits of Getting My Flu Shot?

September 15, 2020

Every year, the CDC urges people to get their flu shot, and with concerns about COVID-19 persisting, this year is considered especially crucial. The more people that get the flu shot, the more effective it is—and the less likely we will have a bad flu outbreak on top of the coronavirus pandemic. To help you learn more about the benefits of getting your flu shot and how it can help everyone in your community ...

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How Can I Get Better Sleep?

September 1, 2020

Did you know? Up to 70% of Americans have trouble sleeping at least once a month. And one out of 10 of us experience insomnia (difficulty falling or staying asleep) every night. That’s a lot of tossing and turning. What’s causing all that lost sleep, and how can we find the rest we want and need? While sleep problems are common, they don’t have to be. Our team at AFC Urgent Care ...

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Do I Have Lung Cancer?

August 15, 2020

Did you know? For both men and women, lung cancer is the most deadly cancer. It kills more women than breast cancer and more men than prostate cancer. Until recently, though, lung cancer deaths were difficult to prevent because doctors could only catch lung cancer far along in the disease process. By that time, the cancer was too late to treat effectively. Now, however, a low-dose CT screening can identify lung nodules early, while they ...

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How Can I Get My Kids Ready for School?

August 1, 2020

No one is quite sure what school will look like this year, but the back-to-school season is quickly approaching. No matter what style of learning you choose for your child this fall, the time is now to prepare! Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway offers some tips for preparing your kids for school. How Can I Set My Child Up for Success This School Year? There’s a lot of ...

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What Should I Do If I Am Allergic to My Pet?

July 15, 2020

If you are an animal lover, having pets has likely always been a central part of your life—but if you have developed pet allergies, you may be struggling to cope when you bring a new furry friend home. Though many people assume that if they have allergies that means they will never be able to coexist with pets, we are happy to report that is not the case. To help you better understand pet ...

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What Are Some Ways to Relieve Itchy Mosquito Bites for Children?

July 1, 2020

Mosquito bites are always a nuisance, but because children can be oblivious to them, they can often get eaten up while they are outside as they are busy playing. When they come indoors and the itchiness strikes, do not despair! There are some fantastic ways to relieve their discomfort, but you should also be aware of the warning signs that there is something more serious occurring. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway ...

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Am I at Risk of COVID-19?

June 15, 2020

Everywhere you turn these days, you’ll likely hear something about COVID-19. And with good reason. As of June 1, more than 1.5 million Americans had been diagnosed with the virus, including more than 24,000 Tennesseans. What should you know about COVID-19 and how to protect your family? We know it’s a common question, which is why our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway is taking some time to share the ...

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What Can I Do to Protect Myself From Illness?

June 1, 2020

This is a question on the minds of many of us these last few months. While we’ve been staying at home and social distancing, we’ve also been wondering whether we should be doing more to protect our health and that of our families. That’s why in today’s blog, our team at AFC Urgent Care Chapman Highway wants to talk you through a few illness prevention basics that can help. Read on ...

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