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At-Home Remedies for Nausea

October 15, 2021

Experiencing nausea is no fun, and it’s hard to know what causes it at times. Even though nausea makes you feel pretty awful sometimes, there are many ways you can effectively treat it at home! Our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team highlights some effective ways you can treat your nausea below, so read on. Here’s what to do: Sit up and avoid crunching the stomach. If your mom ever told you not to ...

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Are Yeast Infections and UTIs the Same Thing?

October 1, 2021

When people experience pain and discomfort in the genital area, it’s common to think that those symptoms are signs of a UTI. While this is often the case, many will be diagnosed with a yeast infection. But aren’t a yeast infection and a UTI actually the same thing? Actually, no, they’re not, and our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team explains why below. What Is a UTI? UTIs occur when bacteria, such as ...

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How Serious Is Bronchitis?

September 21, 2021

Bronchitis is a very common respiratory illness. In fact, around 3 million cases of bronchitis occur in the U.S. ever year! Even though it’s common, that doesn’t make it any less of a concern if you do happen to get it. Our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team explores the severity and other important facts about bronchitis below, so read on! What Is Bronchitis? Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the ...

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Are STDs Permanent?

September 2, 2021

STDs are certainly uncomfortable to talk about, but the fact of the matter is that more people suffer from these diseases than you might realize. In fact, the CDC estimates that one in five people have an STD. Because STDs are seldom talked about, many are left uninformed about how these diseases work, what complications they can cause and if those who deal with them will deal with them for life. Our AFC Urgent Care ...

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What to Know About Skin Boils

August 16, 2021

Boils are extremely uncomfortable to experience, but they’re actually more common than you might think. They may occur in hair follicles anywhere on the body but typically pop up in areas where hair and sweat coexist, such as the armpits. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga provides further info on boils and what you can do about them below. What boils are: A boil is a painful, pus-filled bump that ...

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What Does It Mean to Pull a Muscle?

August 3, 2021

If you’ve stood up too quickly or bent the wrong way and you’ve felt a sharp pain go up your back or down your leg, you’ve likely pulled a muscle before. We’ve probably all heard the term “pull a muscle” before, but do you actually know what it means? Our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team explains the term and provides some further information on it below, so keep reading! What Is ...

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What Should I Do If I Get Bitten by a Dog?

July 15, 2021

Even if your dog is friendly and you’re both playing nicely together, bites can happen. Sometimes, they’re nothing to worry about, and sometimes they are. So, is there a certain protocol you’re supposed to follow if you get bitten by your dog or somebody else’s dog? Our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team provides some answers below. What Should I Do First After a Dog Bite? In general, it’s best to ...

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Are AFC’s Rapid Tests Accurate?

July 2, 2021

They are! If you believe you may have the COVID-19 virus or another type of contagious illness, our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team offers rapid flu, strep and COVID-19 tests that provide accurate results within minutes! We provide some further helpful information below, so keep reading. Am I at an Increased Risk of Getting a Contagious Illness Right Now? According to the CDC, they are seeing “increased Interseasonal Respiratory Syncytial Virus [RSV] activity in parts ...

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What Does An Allergic Rash Look Like?

June 15, 2021

Red, bumpy, itchy skin can be irritating, painful and, at times, embarrassing. Rashes can be caused by many things, including an allergy to a plant or medication, a food allergy or an illness. If you aren’t sure what the red, bumpy spots on your skin mean, our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team is here to help you feel more informed about the state of your skin! What Causes an Allergic Rash? An allergic reaction ...

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Basic First Aid for Minor Cuts

June 1, 2021

Having some first-aid skills is an invaluable tool, especially for parents! Kids get cuts and scrapes all the time. And in some cases, they also get deep cuts that will require stitches. Whatever the case may be, having some working knowledge on how to dress wounds is important, and our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team is here to help you feel informed and prepared! Here’s what to do: First, before tending to the wound ...

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