Should I Get Tested for an STD?

September 1, 2022

Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are not usually common conversation starters amongst family or friends, but they are actually more prevalent than you think! They happen to millions of Americans every year, and they can range from mild to severe cases. If you think you may be suffering from an STD, it is important to be evaluated and tested right away to prevent long term issues. Our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team will care for ...

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Can a Small Fracture Become Larger?

July 20, 2022

No one wants to break a bone—that much is true. However, broken bones are among the most common injuries in America, as millions of people suffer from them each year. Read on to learn more about fractures and why they should be treated immediately from our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team. What Is a Fracture? A fracture—or a “broken bone,” as it’s commonly known—occurs when a bone completely or partially breaks ...

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What Do I Need to Know About Mesenteric Adenitis?

June 15, 2022

Mesenteric adenitis is a condition that affects children and teens more often than adults. This condition occurs when the lymph nodes in the abdomen become swollen when trying to fight off a bacterial or intestinal infection. Our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team highlights important info about mesenteric adenitis below, so keep reading. What Causes Mesenteric Adenitis? The most common cause is a viral or bacterial infection in the intestines, as we said previously. When an ...

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What Should I Do If a Spider Bites Me?

June 1, 2022

Although spiders do a lot of good, such as ridding households and gardens of unwanted pests, they can also be pests themselves. Plus, they’re pretty terrifying to look at (sorry, spider-lovers). Although most spider bites are relatively harmless, some types of spiders can pack a venomous punch and cause serious side effects. Read on to learn more about spider bites from our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team! How Can I Know If I’ve ...

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How Are Kidney Stones Diagnosed?

May 16, 2022

If you’ve had a kidney stone before, you know what symptoms to be on the lookout for again. If you’ve never had a kidney stone, though, and you start to experience lots of pain in your side and a burning sensation when urinating, how are you supposed to know for sure that what you’re experiencing is a kidney stone? Our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team shares some helpful answers below, so keep ...

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What Should I Know About Seasonal Allergies?

May 2, 2022

Seasonal allergies are things that so many people struggle with each year. They can come on strong, and they can be hard to shake. Many people deal with them for years and years and just accept it. While that is OK, we believe it’s important to know what typically causes seasonal allergies and what you can do to combat them so they don’t interfere with your daily life in a significant way. Read ...

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Do I Have a Low Platelet Count If I Bruise Often?

April 18, 2022

Bruising is a part of life. Bruises show up after you do things like play contact sports or bump hard into a chair or table. For some, though, they show up often without seemingly having real initial cause. Read on to learn more about bruising from our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team! What Exactly Is a Bruise? A bruise is a common skin injury that results in a discoloration of the skin. Blood from damaged ...

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How Is Gastrointestinal Disease Diagnosed?

April 1, 2022

Gastrointestinal diseases and disorders affect millions of Americans every year. While the symptoms that you continue to experience might seem commonplace to you, they might be a sign that you are actually experiencing a GI disease. Since many GI diseases share similar symptoms, diagnosis can be challenging. Learn more about GI diseases and their diagnoses from our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team below! What Are GI Diseases? Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases affect the gastrointestinal tract, which ...

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Can Mono Cause Serious Health Complications?

March 15, 2022

Mono (medically known as mononucleosis) is a common illness, and it’s especially common among young adults. It’s often referred to as the “kissing disease,” since it is most often transmitted to others by kissing or sharing of bodily fluids, like saliva. Extreme fatigue is the most famous of mono symptoms, but can cases of mono result in anything worse than that? They can, and our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team explains further below ...

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Why Can I Get the Omicron Variant Even If I’ve Been Vaccinated?

March 1, 2022

The CDC has stated that “breakthrough” omicron cases are likely, but why? According to experts, vaccine efficacy is lower against omicron, due to the fact that omicron’s mutations make it more transmissible than other variants and more able to evade the passive immunity that is acquired from being vaccinated. Aren’t vaccines supposed to help, though? Yes, and they are. Our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team explains why below. What Are Breakthrough Cases? According ...

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