We are certainly grateful to live and work in the Chattanooga area. The valley offers wonderful outdoor opportunities and nature trails to explore, and we are glad to see so many of our community members outside right along with us.
While you are out and about, beware of bugs! Not all insects are dangerous, but some can cause some uncomfortable symptoms and can actually make you sick if you get bitten or stung.
Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team explains all about some common bug bites and how to identify them below.
How Common Are Tick Bites?
Ticks are everywhere at this time of year, so it should be no surprise that there are millions of tick bites that occur every year in the United States. While the majority of tick bites are just annoyances, a small amount of ticks are carrying Lyme disease, which can make you feel really sick and fatigued. The good news is that ticks carrying the disease need to be attached to you for at least 36 hours in order to get you sick, so the faster you move, the better.
Unfortunately, ticks are really small and can barely be noticeable on your skin as they are crawling around. They even have a numbing agent in their saliva to avoid causing you pain when they embed themselves into your skin. Chances are that you won’t discover a tick bite until you discover the actual tick itself! The bite site will have the tick still attached, and the bump will be red, raised and a little irritated.
Tips for Removing a Tick Safely
- Use a clean tweezers and pull slowly and steadily away from the skin.
- Do not twist as you pull.
- Take a picture of the tick.
- Dispose in the garbage in a piece of tape or flush in the toilet.
- Wash your hands and the bite site thoroughly.
Are All Stings and Bites Dangerous?
Certainly not! While it is true that many people are allergic to bee and wasp stings, not everyone will have an adverse reaction. If you have been stung before without incident, keep an eye on the site to watch for any new or concerning symptoms. If you have never been stung before by that particular insect, keep a close eye on how you feel as a severe allergic reaction can appear quickly.
Ants also have the potential to bite or sting you if you come into contact with certain ones. Fire ants are particularly aggressive ants that will latch onto your skin with their mandible while stinging you simultaneously. If you come into contact with a fire ant nest, back away and sweep the ants off your skin as quickly as possible. Any stings you receive will be red, itchy and will probably burn for an hour or two. The sting site may blister or swell as your body heals. As with bee stings, keep an eye out for signs of a serious reaction.
Signs of a Dangerous Allergic Reaction
- Difficulty breathing
- Swelling of the throat and tongue
- The appearance of hives or flushed skin
- Loss of consciousness or fainting
If you are ever worried about an animal or insect bite, come see us at AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga.