Are Probiotics and Fermented Foods The Same?

May 29, 2024

by Isaac Zefo | May 30, 2024 | Healthy Living Are Probiotics and Fermented Foods The Same? Go ahead, skip the chips, grab that apple from the fridge, and do your body good. Better yet, make it a new habit and begin making plans for fall apple picking now because that fun old saying about apples and doctors—holds more truth than we imagined. We’ve all heard about the benefits of probiotics and may have seen ...

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What Does Yellow Mucus Mean?

May 13, 2024

by Isaac Zefo | May 13, 2024 | Healthy Living What Does Yellow Mucus Mean? You’ve been looking forward to your previously planned climb, but it’s hard to scramble up a rock face when no matter how much you blow your nose, your sinuses feel like they are about to burst. You feel like the yellow mucus is a signal of a sinus infection to come, but is it that simple? Discolored mucus is a ...

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How Much Fiber Do I Really Need?

April 30, 2024

by Savannah Jones | Apr 30, 2024 | Healthy Living How Important is Fiber? Juice has been your go-to energy booster in your busy life. You love few things more than a delightful and refreshing concoction of fresh pressed juice you can grab quickly as you head out. While ordering at one of your favorite spots, the smoothies and bowls have been catching your attention because you are considering swapping out some of your juices and adding ...

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Do I have a UTI?

March 27, 2024

Do I have a UTI? Embarking on a long-awaited family vacation, with a thrilling helicopter tour in the plans, should be a joyous occasion. However, for some, it can be overshadowed by the relentless urge to use the restroom, hinting at a potential urinary tract infection (UTI) looming ahead. Our bodies often send signals when something isn’t quite right, urging us to pay attention and decipher their messages. What is a UTI? That uncomfortable ...

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Do I have Pink Eye or a Stye?

March 12, 2024

by Julianna Atchley | Mar 13, 2024 | Family Health Understanding Pink Eye and Styes There isn’t much like a visit to the local aquarium to excite children. Not only are there massive tanks full of delightful fish, but the interactive displays beg children to learn as they touch and explore. Along with all the touching comes contact with germs. Lots of them! Children are absent on millions of school days annually across the U.S ...

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Can Tanning Beds Help My Psoriasis?

February 22, 2024

Can Tanning Beds Help My Psoriasis? The daffodils are pushing up through the soil and will soon be showing off their delicate white and yellow blooms meaning the warmer days to come will make for pleasant long walks along Chattanooga’s Riverwalk. If you suffer from psoriasis, you might be among those who have found that the long days of summer offer you a measure of relief from the flare-ups that can make your life ...

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How Serious Is Bronchitis?

February 1, 2024

Is Bronchitis Serious? Bronchitis is a quite common respiratory illness affecting millions of people in the U.S. every year and is often what we consider to be a ‘chest cold’. It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of bronchitis so you can help limit its spread to others and be sure to get enough rest so you can heal. What Is Bronchitis? Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of ...

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Will an Ear Infection Cause Hearing Loss?

January 22, 2024

Do Ear Infections Cause Hearing Loss? Ear infections are a frequent issue among children. In fact, statistics show that by age three, 83 percent of children will have experienced an ear infection. It’s a major reason for pediatric visits to healthcare providers. If your child has an ear infection but delay medical attention, there could be significant consequences. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga is here to help you understand more about the ...

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What Happens if I Get Salmonella While Pregnant?

January 16, 2024

What Happens if I Get Salmonella While Pregnant? When you’re pregnant, watching what you eat is crucial for your baby’s health. So, if you start feeling sick after eating, it’s normal to be concerned. With recent salmonella outbreaks from cantaloupe and charcuterie meats in the U.S., everyone is a little more vigilant about what they’re eating – especially expectant mothers! Is Salmonella Dangerous for Pregnant Women? No one likes to get ...

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How Do I Treat Kitchen Burns?

December 2, 2023

What Should I Do If I Burn Myself While Cooking? Trying to cook at home more in 2024? The Sweet & Savory Classroom’s hands-on classes and The Chattery’s cooking workshops are perfect for both beginners and seasoned chefs. Before you dive into new recipes and cooking tricks, don’t forget that safety comes first. Kitchen burns happen to the best of us. They sting, they scare, and they can make you avoid the kitchen ...

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