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What to Consider Before Choosing Football

September 15, 2016

Every year, millions of Americans look forward to September and the coming fall season, but it’s generally accepted that the unofficial fall season begins Labor Day weekend with the kickoff of college football. Now that fall is underway, many youth leagues have either started up already or will be starting up play in the coming days and weeks. The question is: Should your child participate in youth football? While that decision is ultimately up to parents, AFC Urgent Care / Family Care wants to help you become educated about the risks and benefits of football participation. Football can be a great way for our children to stay active, as long as proper precautions are followed. Here are two areas of concern, as well as an explanation of benefits, for youth football: 1) Wear and tear Even if no major injuries occur, regular football participation often goes beyond the scope of a normal exercise regimen. If your child is planning on playing, step in and ensure that he’s properly rested, hydrated and looked after during practices. 2) Major injuries Football can produce a wide range of significant injuries, from sprained ankles to ACL tears. Although these injuries can be reduced with proper safety equipment and training, there’s no guarantee of health for players in a game. Concussions are at the forefront these days, so pay special attention to the helmet provided for your son—and seek medical attention if a head injury occurs. And now the health benefits… If proper care is taken, football can help regulate a child’s weight, increase the amount of time spent outside, help regulate blood pressure, stimulate the brain through exercise, and encourage healthy eating choices and rigorous hydration. Want to learn more about the health advantages of sports, as well as what precautions should be followed? Visit AFC Urgent Care / Family Care today!

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