Now that the holidays are over and a new year has begun, it’s time to get back on a regular, healthy schedule—and that includes sleep! Sleep Tight A bad mood and a rough start to your day aren’t the only things caused by a poor night’s sleep. Did you know that sleep problems can lead to an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, among other health conditions? Improve your mood and—most importantly—your overall health by getting a good night’s sleep each night. Most American adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Start getting your hours in by getting on a sleep schedule. Just like you schedule meetings, children’s extracurricular activities, etc., you also need to mark time off in your calendar each night for sleep—and don’t cancel on yourself! By getting your body on a schedule, it will get to the point where it knows it’s time for bed each night. Also, go ahead and get into a bedtime routine. If you schedule “sleep time” between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., then beginning at 8:30, start putting your new bedtime ritual in place. This could be washing your face, brushing your teeth, getting lunches packed for the next day of work/school, homework papers signed, etc. During this routine, make it a point to turn off all electronics—from your smartphone to your television. This will allow your mind to prepare for a deeper night’s sleep. Be sure to create an environment that promotes a good night’s sleep. This means not working in your bedroom and only using it for sleep. In addition, choose calming colors for your walls, and make the room a comfortable temperature so that you don’t become too hot or cold during the night, which could cause an interruption in sleep. Are your cold symptoms keeping you up at night? Put them to rest by stopping by our urgent care center for a treatment plan today to get you back to your sleep routine ASAP!