Fall Is Coming

August 15, 2016

Fall Is Coming- AFC Urgent Care

Believe it or not, despite what the temperature outside may tell you, fall is coming, and it is coming swiftly. With the onset of fall comes a changing landscape, both in the culture and in health circles. You see, each season has a distinct set of health advantages and disadvantages. Fall often proves to be a very versatile season in the health world. Here are three ways that fall can benefit your health: 1) Weather Summer makes it difficult to go for a run or to play outside due to the heat, but fall is directly fighting against that hardship. With cool breezes and more comfortable temperatures, fall is sure to improve your running mentality. 2) Food Gone are the days of the summer snack, whether it be popsicles, ice cream or yogurt, and the days of holiday feasts are still far off. Fall is the perfect time for fruit, veggies and a nice crisp glass of water. 3) Community Whether you work out with your coworkers or fellow school parents, fall is sure to free up the schedule for group health activities! So call up your friends, plan a run, and together you can chase after a healthier year. Want to learn more about healthy solutions? Visit AFC Urgent Care today!

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